40 << night show >>

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The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Zill Family in the house

Tidak tidur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok dan beberapa media lain of Malaysian dibuatnya. Sudah berapa kali dan sudah berapa akaun selang beberapa minit memuatnaik beberapa minit episode berkenaan. Memang tidak terkira. Scrolling and scrolling. The same episode with different cut minutes version keeps popping out.

"Is Julian here?"

Terus satu studio ketawa.

Julian yang melihat kembali babak itu sungguh lah dia rasa "grrr grrr sudah lah sudah lah". Tetapi tetap kena senyum kerana satu dunia mahu menonton senyuman baby face nya. Wot can do?

"I found it quite lopsided. The female journalist saying all names. At BBC of all places. And Julian; the baby face master got left out, orally. What? How can that be?"

Fuhhh luka tau hati? Keluar je Eidlan tu, terus kecoh Chini pasal The Eighth (pfft) sampai Klinik Kesihatan Chini macam kena ambush. Then bila dia baru hit mere ten! 10-year-olds for god sake terus bersepah gambar dia merata dekat IG Twitter apa semua. Eii. Picit-picit je nanti. Eii. Sampai nama aku got slash out tu. Of course it's a massive deal! Sampai ada cakap 'Julian became a blacksheep of the Zill Family in an instant', 'Zill Julian dianaktirikan?', 'Where the baby face prince!', 'Duka seorang Zill'. Adumaaak. Faham tak what at stake here? Ergh. Zill Family dah jadi bahan main-main dah dengan aku as the centre with full of memes of me handsome baby face. Shit.

"Okay. So tonight, sitting here... are Cassiel Zill. Or more known as Zill Cassiel? Aldric Zill. Wait wait wait. Can I just quote you guys first names only? I've got... lopsided as well. Hhahaa. Okay? Okay so back to the first minute. Sitting here are Cassiel, Aldric; the Mr. Zills. Then, Makayla; the First Adaras. Then, Aryan, Adelia, Adena. And Eidlan............. Wait! Julian! Where are you! hHahahaha. There he is. Cassiel, Aldric, Makayla, Aryan, Adelia, Adena, JU-LI-AN, Eidlan. Woa quite a mouthful."

"Don't worry. You'll get a chunk of that. Our housekeepers and nannies struggle as well, at first. You'll get there too, in a mo."

"Ouh. What a cute accent. 'In a mow.'"

Makayla ketawa.

Julian mempercepatkan beberapa minit ke hadapan.

"How hard you take it?"'

Dia menjawab on screen. "Nah. Nofin' at aw." Serentak itu, video rasminya ditemu ramah oleh BBC kembali keluar. Oh fuck. Dengan muka masam dia menongkat pipi dan menonton saja.

"So here we've got The Zills; Cassiel and Aldric. First Adaras; Makayla. Triplet of the century what they say; Aryan, Adelia, Adena. The last; Eidlan. Alright. All the Zills and Adaras are here to conclude the premiere of this autobiography including their kid stories, their antics, their— what?"

Journalist bernama Kate itu tercengang-cengang memandang Aryan yang tersengih-sengih menarik Julian ke hadapan kamera.

"Who is he?"

Cassiel bersuara. Kate tercengang.

"What?! Oh a minute. Yes."

Dia melihat skrin di tangannya.

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