Chapter 2

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Patrick's pov:
I couldn't believe the message I got.I was in total shock , my brain couldn't process what was happening. It wasn't necessarily the person I wished it was. Which if you know me it would've been ellen pompeo. But I mean I guess her texting me would connect the dots to me seeing ellen.

Shonda Rhimes : Patrick ! I knows it has been quite some time but we would love for you to come back even though we know there were reasons you left , we think that with all that has happened in this crazy world we should let the fans have a dreamy treat . It's okay if you say no. But if you do just respond. We really miss you on set , not the same without you. We get tested every other day and we take many s after protocols ! Just get back to whenever ag this number 678-416-0956 thanks! Sending love to you and your family .

I didn't ... I didn't know what to even say. What do you say ? I felt obligated to say yes. For many reason mainly because Ellen , but also because how do you respond to that saying no . No I'm sorry I can't because my wife doesn't like the love of my life being near me ? Like ... but was it worth pissing jill off by telling her ? Or do I just do it and she'll find out ? My mind was racing with thoughts. I needed to calm down and think. I opened the French doors to see tal sitting on the swing on her phone as usual and the boys shooting nerf guns.
"Hey tal , I'm gonna run some errands can you watch the boys for me ?"
"Yea , no problem dad."
"Thanks hunny , any special request for lunch or anything u need from a certain store ?"
"Not that I can think of , if I do I'll shoot you a text "
"Okay tal , be safe love you guys"
"Love you dad , be safe"

I got in my car . Put the key in and my hand just sat there. I couldn't turn the car on I just stared at my house. I thought about everything I had. Then here comes the thoughts again. If I stayed would me and Jill be divorced, if I did stay and we got divorced would i be with Ellen ? Would be married ? Would we have kids ? Then reality hit me. I didn't stay . We aren't divorced . I'm not with Ellen , we aren't married , and we don't have kids. But I am married to jill and have 3 gorgeous kids I love more than anything. But I can't say I love my wife more than anything , anything being ellen. I finally turned on the car took a left out of the gate and drove strait. I was at the four way stop , near Whole Foods , and in and out. I was halfway up beside this black Range Rover. The front of my car was at the back door of this car. That looks like Ellen's car I thought. Don't be crazy. This is LA stars live here they all have Range Rovers bassicly. I pulled up so I could get a better look in the car. My heart was racing.

There she was . Looking in her purse that was sitting in her passenger seat. She smiled as she pulled out her lipstick , lipgloss , chapstick . I don't even know which is sad because my wife owns her own makeup line. I cracked my window because it looked like she was talking to someone.  Turned the radio down and I could hear someone on her car phone. It wasn't chris. But it was a man she cracked her window to spit her gum out. She couldn't see me unless she looked back and saw me in my car but my car windows were very tinted. So I doubted she would. The light then turned green I sped up and got next to her and was trying not to look but I couldn't help it her hair was curled she had a red see through shirt on her sleeve was tight around her upper arm. Then around her bottom it was cuffed out. She had one hand on the steering wheel it was at the bottom she was casually driving. I think she was going to her house. I remember when we used to hang out at her house. This is the way she went. I needed to focus I was hungry.

I pulled into this Mexican restaurant sat in my car thing of how what I saw of her , she hadn't aged. She was even more gorgeous which I thought was impossible. Considering the last time I saw her. 

Then Ellen pulled in . OH MY GOD . She got out of her car . She had her mask in her hand her bage purse on her shoulder. That was the mark cross purse jill wanted for her birthday but was like 2,000 . TOO MUCH FOR A PURSE. But let's be honest if ellen asked for it she would've had it ordered the next day. Even though we didn't talk I still kept up with her. I knew she was hollywoods 20million dollar woman so it wasn't a surprise she had that expensive ass purse. She had black skinny jeans on and some heels that were black. Who was she meeting to be this dressed up ? I just stayed in my car my window was still rolled down and I could hear he heels clicking as she walked to the restaurant. She was standing at the front of the restaurant looking at her phone for her like 2 minutes she got a call and walked out into the parking lot. She stood in from of this black tiny car it looked like a Toyota Corolla. He stepped out he had jeans , a plain white t shirt , and a leather jacket on . Who was he ? He was definitely younger. He got out hugged ellen and she kissed him on the cheek that made me sick I wanted to throw up. I was holding back tears. And I NEVER cried.

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