Chapter 9

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The next morning Patrick woke up first,he was tangled in ellen. He took a deep breath. He just admired her. He wasn't gonna dare get up because all the nights he'd spent wishing and wanting her to be next to him. All the times he craved her. their legs were wrapped in each other's. Patricks hands were wrapped around Ellen's waist and they were looking directly at eachother. Only difference was that Ellen wasn't awake. She slowly opened her eyes.
"Hi" he said smiling as he kissed her. "Hi"she smiled back. She rolled on top of him and her fingers in his hair.
"How can you look so perfect and you just woke up"asked Patrick. his hands were on her butt
"Mmmmm I don't know I guess your glowing off on me"she giggled.
He started kissing her neck.
"As much as I like this ..." she pointed to what he was doing " I need to get ready"
"BABE... ready for what to sit around the house?"
"No remeber camila and jessica are doing dinner tonight and don't forget we have to dress up "she said getting out of the bed.
He was mesmerized by her walk.

She was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when he came up behind her. He slipped his hands around around her waist and starting kissing her he did that she finished brushing her teeth.  He pulled her to where she was turned around. He got on his knees and pulled her shirt up as she was holding it he was kissing her flat toned stomach. He started licking her stomach.someone opened the door then slammed it.

He sat up quickly.
"What the fuck patrick. It's 8 fucking am. The kids have been wake for an hour I have things to fucking do."jillian yelled rumbling through the sock drawer.
"Who are you talk.." he couldn't finish his sentence before she started screaming agian.
"WHAT THE FUCK. WHY THE HELL DO U HAVE A PICTURE OF YOU AND YOUR MISTRESS IN MY GODDAMN HOUSE" she yelled as she tore the picture of ellen and patrick in their scrubs cheek to cheek and threw the prices at him.
"Yes if that sentence concludes why you have a picture of you and your whore in my drawer. In our house for a matter of fact"
"First off I don't know who the hell your talking to because this is MY house no where on this lease do it say jillian fink nor does it say bitch of all bitches so try agian. And it's 8 fuckin am on a god damn Sunday. We have no where to be." He screamed back. He got out of the bed walked up to her grappled her chin and said "dont u ever call her a name agian because last time I checked she is a better mother and person than you. She doesn't yell at her husband to get out of the bed at 8 am on a Sunday for Christ sake"
"She doesn't yell at her husband because she was too busy fucking you" she spat.
"You have absolutley no proof. U cant just accuse me of that" he said
"Please. She has an orgasm every time she looks at you"

He stormed off downstairs. He was still mad. He made his coffee and went to sit outside Tal was in her room and the boys were kicking the ball in the front yard. He was drinking his coffee and looking at the view. He picked his phone up and got on Instagram. He got a message from Mary Herman.
Hey Patrick ! It's me Mary. People down here in Maine are not budging to wear a mask not at all ! Can u help us out?

Patrick: yes of course ! I'd love too. How can I help.

Mary; send her a picture of u in a mask or something. Well print them with a memo to wear a mask and see if it helps.

Patrick: let me see if I can find some. And I'll send them.

I hear the sliding glass door open. I turn around. There is jill. I look back out.
"Beautiful day huh"
"Yea" she said a little down"
She sat in the chair next to me.
"Patrick , I can not live like this anymore. We either have to fix this or give up. I cant live in misery."
"I know. I know."
"I love you Patrick. I don't know if I'm still in love with you but I love you too much to give up so please let's fight and try"
"Jillian , I don't know if I can do that. When I walked into that barber shop that day and saw you I knew you were the one well my one. I never thought I'd love another like you. Until ..."
"Until she came along"
"Yes" Patrick stated looking down.
"Can can you be completely honest with me here. Even if we're fixing us or not I need to know. I want the truth I won't be mad because I'm asking for it. And u make me feel crazy for believing u still love this woman or you had sex because you deny so please just ... just tell me the truth. "
"Mhm"Patrick said.
"What's the... howd u know u were in love with her Patrick" Jillian asked
"Jill are you sure?"
"Yes I asked I'm sure"
"I um think think the first time I realized that I loved her more than.. than"Patrick stuttered
"Me" Jillian said
"You" Patrick said uncomfortable
"I realized when was the fact that when she entered the room my emotions flooded my senses. after that anything and everything."
A tear rolled down her cheek he was still looking down.
"Are ? Are u still ... do you still love her? I don't know if I can go on with a marriage knowing your in love with someone else"
"I can't just stop. I promise if I could I would jill. I don't like seeing my family in this much pain. "
"How do u know u still love her?" She asked.
"Mmm well after I left i tried to convince my self I wasn't. But that went well. Everything I did reminded me of her. I would walk out to my car and remeber when I let her drive my Porsche. Or I would turn the toaster on and get a wiff of her. I would hear a ding and it would remind me of her. I would drive down the road and drive past her house every single day. I would go to bed and wish you were her which made me hate myslef but I couldn't ... I cant help it. And that's how  I know I'm still in love with her."he said.
"Patrick" she said bawling.
He looked up to her and concern filled his eyes. He genuinely felt bad. Here he was hating a woman because she was a bitch when she had every reason to be he was married to her and in love with someone else.
"I'm gonna ask once and I'll believe whatever you say okay"
"Okay?" He said.
"Did...did you ever sleep with her." She swallowed hard.

A/n: If you cant tell already , all of that before was a dream. He woke up to Jillian yelling. He hasn't reached out to Ellen idek if he will you'll have to just read. Also this week is midterms/ exams. So I'll prob not post another chap this week but after this week I'm on Christmas break for two weeks and I'll prob update more frequently.

Watching you is the only drug I need Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin