December 2nd, 2020

293 13 31

Failed Attempt #2

"What movie did you pick Sungie?" Chenle asked from the couch, one large blanket wrapped around his shoulders while Jisung's fluffy yellow blanket sat across his lap waiting to be shared with its owner. He was unable to see the movie selection as Jisung had gotten up to grab the dvd for the movie.

"Uhh The Princess Bride, it's an English movie. Taeyong hyung gave this to me because he thought it was a funny movie. I don't know what it's about, but it has Korean subtitles!" A cheerful smile crossed Jisung's face, the corner of his eyes crinkling in delight as he bounded over to Chenle, his mop of brown hair bouncing with his movement.

Chenle chuckled watching the boy as he plopped down next to him. Wrapping the blanket around his roommate the elder leaned against his shoulder, laying the fluffy yellow blanket over the brunette's lap. Casting his gaze away he watched the thin snowfall in a silent and steady stream, no wind to disturb it on it's way to the ground. The lights had been dimmed -- fancy lights with the dimming ability was something Jisung insisted on having if they were going to have gaming and movie mights with their friends from work and well school. The memory of the younger adamantly insisting on investing in expensive lights made him smile, his face lighting up in joy.

"Alright then, let's start this movie then." Jisung nodded when Chenle told him to play the movie, remote in hand he pressed play.

The movie went by in its dramatic fashion along with lots of complaining between the two males. Chenle really hated how cliche it's plot was, of course the masked man would be Princess Buttercup's 'farmer boy'. He found it absolute horse crap that something like this was considered one of the best books and movies in America, well in the romance section of movies. The again he wasn't an avid romance movie watcher like Jisung was, the younger absolutely adored those types of films. Something about the prospect of 'true love' entranced him, his eyes always gleamed with fondness when he watched them -- Chenle always gave in when Jisung flaunts his puppy eyes.

By the end they were practically on top of each other, Jisung laying partially on his lap with a sleepy smile. He was content with the day, staying in the safety of their apartment away from COVID-19. Small sighs left his lips while Chenle ran his fingers through his hair in a comforting manner.

"It's oddly serene right; being stuck in our apartment together because of quarantine?" Chenle murmured against the younger's ear when he nuzzled further into his neck.

Jisung hummed in thought, mind swirling of the events of the past months of being stuck in quarantine. "Yeah, it really is, just the two of us home alone together."


A simple word that could cause a swirl of many emotions to take over Chenle's body. Each emotion had its own color and beauty to it, a memory tied to it that all led back to the tall and clumsy boy pressed into his side. Fragments of their childhood appeared before him which quickly shifted into their many years of schooling to what they had now. Each other.

"Chenle? Do you ever wish to have a relationship like those romance movies?" Jisung's words muffled against the column on his neck, breath warm and vibrations tingling his ears.

Grumbling to himself the ravenette shoved him from his side. Of course he wishes to have a perfect relationship like those portrayed in movies and shows. In fact he just wanted to have one with Jisung. "Sometimes. I'm getting more hot chocolate, move." The younger pouted as he reluctantly moved from being closer to Chenle.

While the eldest made his way into the kitchen a squawk reached his ears, Jisung had fallen off the couch when trying to get out of the two blankets wound around his body.

"Lele! Can you make me some hot chocolate too?" The poor baby chick was still rubbing his butt while he stood to make his way over to their bookcase -- more of a movie case considering it only has movies and tv shows on dvd in it.

Before Jisung knew it four packets of hot chocolate whammed into the back of his head with a prolonged shout of "As you wish!~" from Chenle. Jisung was of course to upset about having packets of hot chocolate thrown at him to realize the meaning behind the quote from a movie they had just watched.

With a small pout the brunette gathered the packets in his hands and his mug hooked over his fingers before shuffling into the kitchen to make his own fresh mug of hot chocolate.

I honestly love this concept ;^; I'm totally not writing this while I'm filling out stuff for college.

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