December 6th, 2020

168 9 30

Failed Attempt #6

"Yeah, no. I'm not leaving you to decorate the rest of the apartment if you're going to keep getting stuck in Christmas lights like yesterday. We haven't even got the garland up yet." Jisung pointed an accusatory finger at the older male who was once again fumbling with a strand of lights -- this time garland with lights twined through it.

Chenle stuck his tongue out in a playful manner as he skirted past the brunette bumping his hip against the other. Fingers playing with the fake string of plant he approached the wall-mounted television. Tiptoeing the short man attempted to dangle the garland over the top of the piece of technology, falling short of reach. Puffing his cheeks out in frustration Chenle jumped to toss the forest green garland over top of the screen.

Once again his attempt failed, he turned at the sound of terribly muffled laughs -- Jisung was laughing at him. Fluffy unbrushed brown hair draped over his glittering brown eyes. The ravenette glared at Jisung, hands shaking the garland in a silent demand for help.

Unable to resist the shorter male Jisung finally sauntered over to Chenle. His gaze danced across his roommate's face, soft honeyed skin with coffee brown eyes holding a fierce flame, pink lips pouted in what would be considered an angry pout.

"This is why you keep me around, huh? To help with all of the things above your height?" Voice lilting with mischief Jisung's larger hands closed around Chenle's gently taking the garland from his hands. "You sit back and let me handle this."

With ease the brunette hung the garland over the television, peering over his shoulder to watch Chenle's expression. Once he gained a small satisfied expression the younger leaned down and plugged the string of faux plant and lights in. Soft white lights appeared throughout the forest green plants, the warm color like blanket across the edge of the television.

"That's pretty." Chenle quietly muttered behind his back, voice soft bearing no edge of harshness.

Unknown to him, the younger male practically melted at the gentle tone Chenle's voice held. Jisung shuffled towards the couch dropping down on to the plush cushions, resting his head against the back of the couch eyes closed. He listened to the Christmas music floating across the room as the background music to Chenle's humming and footsteps.

Something plush wacked him in the face, startling the living daylights out of the poor man. "What?!"

"Help me set up the Christmas tree dummy. C'mon you tree." The ravenette held one of the couch pillows in hand -- the one that was very clearly the one that hit Jisung in the face. Childlike excitement sprouted from Chenle's smile in glittering waves that caused the brunette's heart to beat faster.

Begrudgingly he stood up and helped the older assemble the medium sized fake pine tree in the corner of their living room. They quietly went around fluffing parts of the cheap tree till it finally came to decorating it. Chenle quickly opened two boxes of ornaments and handed them to Jisung who continuously asked the elder where he wanted the ornament hung -- the man was adamant on the tree looking perfectly decorated.

Two hours flew by them in cheery tunes and loud laughter shared between the two while reminiscing over the ornaments they made together during their childhood. Small misshapen clay animals with not very good coats of paint hung near each other. One clear plastic ornament hung by itself with a dolphin and a baby chick wearing Santa hats -- this one was given to them by Jisung's mom. The multicolored string lights twinkled like stars peeking through the branches and ornaments, a few ornaments refracting the light around the room.

They had one extra string of lights left over, so Chenle being Chenle, he wrapped Jisung in them, small tinkling giggles pouring from his lips. The younger was clearly unhappy but posed while having the lights dangling around his frame. Splashes of color coated his pale blue sweater, the slight warmth emitted from each bulb ticked Jisung's skin through the fabric. Camera in hand Chenle snapped pictures of Jisung wearing his bashful smile, a smile of his own as he looked at the impossibly big but sweet dancer before him.

He thought only one thing: How had he gotten so lucky to have this man in his life?

This is late today but I've been distracted  by a new game I found. Hahaha I love you all very much! Have a good rest of your December 6th.

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