December 12th, 2020

98 9 17

Failed Attempt #12

Soft snores rumbled from beneath the heavy comforter, messy brown hair peeked out from the covers. The room was covered in a warm blanket of sunlight filtering through falling snow and taupe colored cloth curtains. Jisung's body cocooned in the safety of the dark blue comforter he was blissfully unaware of his surroundings.

If his life was an animation the sleeping boy would have a bubble with little baby chicks floating in circles. Accompanying the floating birds would be small chirping noises.

Jisung's life was in fact not an animation and there were no floating baby chirping chicks, instead an obnoxiously loud roommate opening the door with a speaker in hand blaring Christmas music. The peaceful cradle of slumber was capsized from the rambunctious bombardment of sound.

Startled awake Jisung's eyes shot open, vision blurry with sleep and mind muddled from the rude awakening. Blinking to clear his vision the first real thing he saw was the darkness with a hint of blue — he was still below his blanket.

"Rise and shine Jisungie!" Chenle yelled over the tinkling chimes of holiday music.

Jisung finally realized just how obnoxious Chenle's voice could be when paired with holiday music. Pulling his blanket closer to his body the brunette rolled away from the annoying presence. Movements sluggish he ignored the approaching human, ears ringing from the sudden drop in noise level echoing in his room.

The ravenette's warm hands pushed at the covered body, small noises of disappointment escaping his mouth. Chenle hated it when the younger ignored him. "Sungie~" He cooed softly, pulling the blanket away from Jisung's head he saw the mess of brown furling out in different directions.

"You gotta get up lazy bum." He could sense another reprimanding from Chenle causing him to sigh and peer over his shoulder.

Long lashes fluttered with Jisung's slow blinking. Without thinking he shot his hand out beneath the blanket latching onto the t-shirt Chenle wore tugging on it. His rough and urgent pulling toppled the older into the bed next to him. A small undignified yelp left the ravenette when he plopped on top of Jisung's body.

Kicking the blanket off his leg, Jisung rearranged them so that he was kola-hugging his roommate. He sighed in content while the older groaned but made no move to get up from the position they were in.

"Go to sleep. 'm tired." Jisung mumbled against the crown of Chenle's head. His arms a comfortable weight around the older's waist.

If one looked at the two and saw this, one would think they were dating. Alas they were not, yet.

Yuhhh Happy New Years babies. Here's one of my gifts to you! I hope you all have a fantastic new year. We'll get through this together!

Idiots In Love | Chensungحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن