December 25th, 2020

169 7 22

Successful Attempt #2

Jisung had managed to roll out of bed before Chenle on Christmas morning. He fed Daegal, sleepily sitting next to her on the floor as he pet over the curls of white fluff. Snow drifted past the windows, the multicolored Christmas lights warmed each snowflake with a hue of its own. The apartment still in the crisp glow of warm crimson, pink, azure and citrine hues.

With a crack of his knees, Jisung hauled himself to his feet before walking into the kitchen. Grabbing their signature dolphin and baby chick mugs he set off on preparing two hot mugs of hot chocolate. While that brewed and combined, Jisung made quick work of tucking the small burnt umber box beneath the Christmas tree. His gift was set and prepared.

The events of last night filtered through his brain while he unwrapped two candy canes before hooking them over the lip of their mugs. Jisung spun around, hands full of hot ceramic that smelled of chocolate and peppermint. Daegal treaded behind him in her three steps per one Jisung footstep. She kept close, her little fluffy wagging in excitement.

The cozy smell of sweets coaxed Chenle from his room, mused hair and puffy cheeks greeting Jisung as he turned to smile at him. Chenle finds the brunette sitting on the floor with a playful puppy running around him, two warm mugs on the coffee table. Each twinkle of bright lights casted a stunning shadow across Jisung's face, his whole body lit up in hues of orange, green, fuchsia, and red. Large brown eyes sparkled up at him adoringly.

"Happy Christmas, Lele."

A slow sunrise smile graced Chenle's drowsy features, he blinked as he woke up the closer he got to the two loves of his life. His future significant other and their daughter, Daegal.

"Merry Christmas, Sung." Warm palms pressed against Jisungs cooler skin, content hums left him as he enjoyed the warmth.

After minutes of basking in each other's presence, they pulled the colorfully and terribly wrapped gifts from beneath the fake tree. Daegal hopped through the small hills of wrapping paper, her little face pushing against their hands when neither would pay attention to her. They both got each other clothes and a few games for the switch aka the new Hyrule Warriors for Jisung because he had been harping about it ever since the game trailers were released.

Eventually everything settled down to small talk and parental noises of frustration when Daegal tried to eat the wrapping paper. One plastic trash bag sat next to the duo as they organized everything and made sure to get the hazardous amounts of tape away from their puppy.

"Thank you for the gifts. I love them even if they are more socks and sweaters." Chenle giggled to himself as he reached across to Jisung, hesitating before finally grabbing his hand.

The gentle touch jogged Jisung's memory. 'The gift!' Jumping towards the tree the latter retrieved the petite wooden burnt umber box. His sudden movement startled not only Chenle, but Daegal as well, she gave out a halfhearted bark in fright.

"One more thing."

Knee-walking to Chenle's side, Jisung handed him the small box with bright red cheeks. "I got these a while ago, because Taeyong and Dongyoung suggested it. But,"

Opening the box, Chenle gasped. Nestled inside the protective casing was a set of matching custom rings. Dustings of ground opal were pressed neatly against citrine and chrysoberyl shards. The stones were held by a simple silver band with what looked to be leaves pressed in silver encasing the stones. Unknowingly tears raced down his cheeks, his eyes glistening in understanding.

Looking up at Jisung he smiled like the man had painted the solar system. "It's more than I could've asked for Jisung." Retrieving the bigger ring he took Jisung's hand into his own. He slipped the custom ring onto the male's ring finger, pressing a gentle kiss to the piece of jewelry. "You are more than I could've asked for."

"I didn't mean to make you cry. I only wanted to give you something meaningful." Jisung frowned, palms cupping his cheeks as he swiped each tear away. The weak glare Chenle managed to give him made him chuckle. "Okay, maybe a tiny bit."

"God, you're such an idiot."

Whelp, that's the end. *looks around in confusion* Anyone still there?

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