December 5th, 2020

181 7 23

Failed Attempt #5

Adorned his large pale dandelion hoodie, glasses resting atop the bridge of his nose Jisung sighed in dismay when Chenle reached up and winded a soft scarf around his neck. Small hands placed the brunette's keys to the apartment and the list of needed things from the store into his hand. Quite grumbles left him in his attempt to ignore the pink flushing up his cheeks as Chenle's soft hands brushed across his cheeks pulling the mask up to cover his mouth and nose.

"Okay, you're good. Don't forget to keep your distance with people." Jisung silently watched his roommate walk away in his pajamas.

Turning around Jisung slipped out of the front door with a small "Don't do anything stupid while I'm away." thrown over his shoulder.

Chenle giggled to himself watching the very light dusting of snow as it filtered past the window. The lamps and overhead lights were turned off as there was no need for them, the bright sunlight refracted off the snow clouds and falling fragments of ice like a disco ball. The room was flooded with the warm light and soft Christmas music crooned across the sound system of the TV.

Rubbing his hands together Chenle made his way to their spare bedroom full of holiday decorations. A few boxes were labeled with familiar names 'Halloween', 'Chuseok', and lastly 'Christmas'. Humming along to the cheery song floating around the apartment the ravenette pulled box after box of Christmas decorations out of the room. Not wanting to put more effort into moving the boxes, he decided to put down a dirty towel and the box atop it tugging the edge of the towel across the hardwood floor.

The first box held strands upon strands of lights, some working, others not so much. His first task of decorating for Christmas was the lights -- it wasn't Christmas season if there wasn't colorful lights. Popping the clasps off the lid he fished the first jumble of lights out, this really just included the entire box -- Jisung and Chenle weren't the most organized when it came to putting decorations away.

Socked feet sliding across the hardwood floor Chenle sat on the floor next to an outlet. His typical Christmas sweater of candied green and reds sprinkled in white snowflakes hugged his frame while he attempted to untangle the lights, fingers quick to replace dead bulbs with it's matching color. Shades of honey, bubblegum, strawberry, emerald and cobalt casted colorful glows across the room in a sporadic tempo as Chenle replaced bulb after dead bulb.

Around an hour later Jisung had returned a large plastic bag in hand stocked full of candy canes, whipped cream, hot chocolate mix and an assortment of ingredients for different treats and meals. Frowning softly he tugged his mask down gulping in the slightly cool air. Quickly toeing off his shoes he stalked towards the kitchen in search of his best friend.

"I'm back Lele! I got what you needed." Jisung placed the bags atop the counter by the fridge. "Where are you?"

The jingle of bells resounded from the living room when a thump erupted along with a groan. "In the living room, I kinda need help."

Stepping into the living room the brunette was met with an adorable scene. Chenle had managed to get himself tangled in the strands of Christmas lights when he attempted to untangle a new strand. The mixture of blue, yellow, green, pink and red made Chenle look absolutely precious, the colors bouncing off the deen brown eyes that looked up to him for assistance. Jisung stifled a small laugh instead resulting in a sweet coo.

Crouching to be eye-level with the older man he reached his large hands out to cup Chenle's flushed cheeks. "How cute. My little Lele is so cute." In a gentle motion Jisung squished the ravenette's face and cooed with a light pitchy giggle at the others misfortune.

The myriad of colors encased the small moment of bravery and embarrassment in soft hues of love and affection. Another fond memory was locked away in the recesses of their minds.

Twenty days till Christmas. I hope you're all having a good weekend! Stay strong and don't forget to take care of yourselves!! Mwah :3

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