December 22nd, 2020

94 8 8

Failed Attempt #22

Colorful wrapping paper crinkling echoed through the locked wooden door. The male locked within the room insisted on having the door completely shut and secure when wrapping his gifts, adamant on keeping all of the gifts a secret even if they weren't for Jisung. Much to the youngers dismay, he was stuck — not really; watching the new addition to their small family. Daegal skittered around the apartment, tiny white paws tapping across the hardwood floor behind the brunette.

It took quite some persuasion to coax the puppy away from the door Chenle was hiding behind. The cotton ball with legs had grown a deep attachment to him in the few days they've had her. Where one goes the other quick to follow whether it be the padding of socked feet or the click of claws.

Jisung distracted Daegal with the roll of ribbon, the reflective silver gaining her attention as he shook it beneath the multicolored string lights. Deep resounding chuckles fluttered around him, endeared by the high pitched and pitiful whines escaping the small dog. "C'mon Daegal, you can get it!"

Big brown boba eyes peered up at him, wavy curls of soft white fur sticking up around her face when she looked at the human's face. Her head cocked to the side at the sound of the ribbon roll tapping against the floor. Whining and pawing at the silver string she tumbled over Jisung's mountain of long limbs when it moved across his lap.

"You're not too good at this."

"Don't mock my daughter, Park!" Chenle's muffled voice scolded him, a clear sign that he heard everything he said to her.

The crinkle of wrapping paper and the sticky screech of tape grew in volume followed by muffled complaints — he must be wrapping something large or oddly shaped. Time past by in a similar fashion of distracting the walking snowball and Chenle cursing out the wrapping paper in Mandarin.

Not too long after the raven haired Chinese male emerged from his room, puppy printed and plaid printed gifts were cradled in his arms. Considering how long it took him, one would figure the wrapping would be very nice and pristine; these were not pristine or nice, rather very messy and covered in miles of tape.

"Those look like crap, Chenle." Jisung gestured to the strings of red ribbon taped to the plaid printed gifts.

"Yes, thank you for your input. It's your turn, go wrap your gifts you butthead."

Muffled laughter pushed against the Korean male's sweater covered fist. A sharp glare was sent his way, presents dumped onto the couch cushions. Chenle began sorting through them and separating them into groups for what stays here for Jisung and what will be sent out to friends and family. Meanwhile Jisung gentle lifted Daegal from her nap on his lap to set her back into the plush bed Chenle had gotten her.

If anyone asked; yes, she is spoiled, but Chenle would never admit it. Fondness tugged at the brunette's heart, warmth spreading through his chest at the sight of Chenle cooing over his daughter. Gentle hands cradling her like a glass sculpture, stroking over the silky fur.

Pressing a feather light kiss to the crown of the ravenettes hair, Jisung skittered back into his room, lock clicking into place. Heart pounding and cheeks flushing a deep rouge, he leaned against the solid slab of wood hand pressed over his beating organ.

Yeah, he was most definitely screwed.


Only three chapters left. I hope you really enjoyed this! Almost done :))

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