December 3rd, 2020

256 9 11

Failed Attempt #3

Chenle released a puff of stress. Fingers pinching the bridge of his nose while he continued to pace the kitchen space. Socked feet patted the cool floor, a silver sticker covered cell phone in hand. He paused to glance down at the contact number before him.

The phone threatened to turn off by dimming the screen. Releasing a whispered hiss of regret Chenle clicked the call button displayed next to the phone number. The phone ringed four times before the male on the other line picked it up.

"What do you want Zhong Chenle? I'm busy dealing with an angry ball of energy." Familiar high pitched whines bubbles through the phone as Renjun spoke, clearly unamused to have Chenle calling him.

"I don't know what to get Jisung for Christmas." The ravenette pouted quietly watching the snow cascade past the windows in a leisurely pace. In a way he envied snow, it was able to go about it's day without a care in the world.

The deafening sound of fabric shuffling against the mic startled the boy from his sulking. Muted yells of 'Chenle doesn't know what to get Jisung for Christmas!' followed by a 'What? Haven't they been friends since they were kids? He should know what to get him.'

Chenle frowned at the unintentional jab towards him. His mood dampened a little before he pulled his phone away from his ear to scowl at the image of Renjun and Donghyuck hugging representing the profile icon. "Y'know what? I'll just figure it out myself... Wait... I know what I can give him."

Noises of confusion erupted from the phone before the ravenette's finger tapped the end call button. Sliding his phone back into his sweatpants pocket he walked towards Jisung's room. Wooden floorboards creaked beneath his weight, shuffles of fabric against the wood reached his ears.

The walls of the hallway littered with framed pictures of Chenle and Jisung's adventures through their childhood. One in particular made him pause, it was Jisung with a medal around his neck a few of his work friends standing around him. Jisung's hair was mused and sweaty, along with his team's. His smile was glowing, eyes crinkling at the corners, his cute teeth peering out at the camera.

Chenle remembered that day so vividly; Jisung and his team of dancers had won their first competition.

"Inconceivable!" Jisung's loud shout made him jump, heart stuttering in fear before calming to a rapid tempo.

Laughter slipped through the cracked open door like tinkling bells. The happy sound drew the ravenette closer, his cheeks glowing in warmth just from Jisung's laugh. Pushing the door open Chenle shuffled closer to Jisung.

The blaring gray-scale over Jisung's characters unmoving body mocked the young man. Jaemin and Jeno's laughter rang throughout the room. Chenle only sighed in dismay seeing how the brunette slumped down in his chair pouting.

His hands gently took the headphones from Jisung's head and placed them on the desk. Dull fingernails scratching against the man's scalp in a comforting manner. Realizing who was in the room with him, Jisung spin his chair around to wrap his arms around the elder's waist face buried in his stomach.

"They're being mean. They hit me with a car." The heavy knit material of Chenle's sweater muffled the words coming from Jisung. With a knowing smile and a skipping heart he resumed scratching against Jisung's scalp.

"And I don't think you know what inconceivable means." He murmured to the warm air, Jisung having heard that pinched the former's back in retaliation mumbling a 'I do too'.

Yet again their ideas of confessing slipped past them. They weren't so disappointed at the passing of their chance when they were in the safety of each other's presence.

Allllllright! Here's day three. Sorry if this is a bit jumbled, my brain is scattered from college tings. :-(

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