December 9th, 2020

117 7 15

Failed Attempt #9

"Oh! What if we added this? Wouldn't it be cute Sungie?" Chenle's mask-muffled voice flittered past his ears in cheery jingles of bells and delight. Small hands grabbing at different things hanging in the craft shop.

Between the ravenette's fingers lay a bag of small pine cones covered in fake snow. Jisung watched in quiet content, the older man pointing at strands of fake pine needles and Christmas-y plants. A few red berries thrown in for color.

"Hmm, but what would you make with these though?" Jisung inquired, already grabbing the small things from Chenle's hands and placing them in the basket he held.

"Well we could make pretty wreathes and other decorations." Excitement bubbles off him as he spoke, eyes shining in fascination with the different fake plant life the store had in stock.

Chuckling at Chenle, the brunette moved past him, hands tugging his masking back up into place. The Chinese male followed behind him carefully skirting past fellow customers. In fear of separation he snatched Jisung's hand into his own, lacing their fingers.

Both boys flushed pink, heart squeezing before settling at an uneven rate. Jisung ducked his head in embarrassment, wanting the ground to open and swallow him. On the other hand Chenle was ecstatic yet nervous, showing skin ship so openly would draw attention — not that they cared.

They passed colorful ribbons in shades of ruby, gold and emerald, printed with holly leaves and pine trees. Pre-made wreathes adorned in faux plants and snow. Large wooden signs painted with the same tacky "Let it snow", "Merry Christmas", don't even get Chenle started on the myriad of Christian related signs — he obviously had no problem with them, it was just, well, overwhelming to see. Each covered in thick layers of paint and matching fonts.

Weaving through the aisles of holiday decorations, they came across a small little figurine village. Jisung's sudden stop made Chenle bump face first into the fluffy jacket he had begrudgingly put on. The screeching whistle of a tiny train sped past their faces as it chugged along the railroad set up, the noise a stark difference to the quiet Christmas music bouncing around the store.

"What? Can you please move so my tiny ass can see Sung?" Chenle voiced in a pitchy whine.

The Korean stepped forward tugging Chenle from behind him to reveal the sight of an animated village before them. A frozen lake had skating people sat upon it, the windows of the many houses glowed yellow. Many figurines were set about doing their own thing, some making snow angels, some caroled outside of the town hall.

Jisung was enamored, unknowingly he stepped closer hunching over to see the small smiles and village life. The yellow lights from the houses, tiny string lights and street lamps casted a warm glow on his face. Chenle sucked in a breath from the breathtaking view, the former was so distracted with watching the train whistle by. A small and delicate smile rugged at the brunette's lips, eyes crinkling at the corner.

"It's so pretty." The young man said when he caught Chenle's gaze.

Yeah, it is just like you.

And so their shopping day went successful, besides having to stop frequently to look at something new.

Hello, this is not coming out on the 9th, but it's here! Love you all.

Idiots In Love | Chensungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें