December 13th, 2020

88 8 27

Failed Attempt #13

"You're ridiculous if you think I can do that Jisung." Chenle deadpanned watching Jisung flex his dancing skills.

The younger flushed pink at the offhand compliment the former gave him. He smiled shyly at him before humming in thought.

"What if we waltzed? It's pretty simple, at least I-I think so?" Nervousness crackled along the pitches of his voice. Scratching the nape of his neck he stumbled over his words seeing the unhappy look at the suggestion of waltzing. "No?"

Chenle walked up to him and thumped him on the forehead before tugging him down by the collar of his shirt to press a small kiss in same spot he hit him. "Don't be dumb of course I'll waltz with your clumsy butt."

The younger nodded flumbling with his phone hooked up to their sound system. He found the perfect waltz music before stumbling back towards the older. Jisung's nerves clearly got the best of him making his hands calm up when they finally got into their positions.

At first it seemed to go well with Jisung leading, his large palm warm against Chenle's waist and gently cradling the smaller's hand. They glided across the hardwood floor in the open area between the living room and kitchen. Each step stilted and awkward.

Yes, they have cuddled and slept next to, or on top of each other yet something about waltzing together made them clam up. Both of their faces flushed in pink peals of embarrassment and excitement.

Eventually Chenle decided to lead the dance before Jisung continued to stall up and trip over his own feet. Of course the elder found it adorable and made him want to coo at the brunette — he restrained himself from doing so, only barely.

When Chenle's fingers pressed softly into the oversized blue plaid sleep shirt covering Jisung's waist the latter attempted to not giggle at the feeling. His hold was gentle and heartwarming.

Jisung studied Chenle's face while they moved in time with the music. He traced the strong furrow between his brows, eyes glittering with his signature spark of focus and attention. The sloping nose which led to a prominent Cupid's bow resting atop the soft plush pink lips. Lastly they trailed to the left side of his jaw to the small freckle residing just below the jawline.

The brunette smiled softly at the messy waves of black hair that Chenle shook out of his eyes. Their browns eyes intermingling with sincerity of something unknown. Chenle's clothes were not that different from Jisung's own sleep wear. Both too lazy and tired to change as they decided to stay indoors.

The sky was a clear shade of marine dotted with puffs of cumulus clouds. Pillows of the sky as Jisung had one night called them when a little more than tipsy — Chenle decided to keep that precious memory to himself.

Their day continued after the slowly draining cycle of waltzing in their living space to lazing about on the furniture. Home quiet besides the ambience of their neighbors entering and exiting their apartments, dings of elevators and idle chatter muffled by thick walls.

Chenle somehow felt lonely, he wished for more company — not his lovely human companion wasn't enough company as is. Perhaps a pet would bring more homey warmth to their home.

Slowly but surely finishing this heck yeah! This is my final update for the night Goodnight babies. I'm tired so night night. : )

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