December 17th, 2020

91 6 17

Failed Attempt #17

With masks high above their nose and hook beneath their chins, the Chenji duo left the apartment building. The snowfall over the past night was surprisingly heavy after yesterday's warm and sunny day. Excitement zipped in the air around them, Chenle bouncing on the balls of his feet while holding a small yellow device in his hand — something that just so happened to make small snow ducks.

The elevator ride down was anything less than pleasant, their heavy winter coats quickly became suffocatingly warm. When they pushed the door open to the outside they were met with a harsh slap of icy wind and snowflakes pelting their warm skin.

"Oh god, it's so cold and windy. Why did you decide this was a good idea?" Came the signature petulant whine from Jisung, the youngest stomping his feet in the process.

A gasp and sharp laugh was muffled behind the pineapple printed fabric mask Chenle wore. His smile visible in the slight curve of his eyes from the gentle and sincere expression. "You're too cute Sungie, just enjoy the snow!"

They trudged through the hills of snow pushed up onto the banks next to their building, tiny puffs of breath visible through the mask. Jisung's complaints turned to startled yelps when Chenle leaned down and threw snow at him. Large clumps of froze water smacked into the back of his head, tiny pieces melting on contact before dripping down the back of his neck.

Jisung shivered before making a few snowballs for himself, quick to chuck them in Chenle's direction. His hair whirled around in the biting wind, eyes sparkling with happiness and laughter puffing through his mask. The latter had crouched down, the tail end of his pale pink coat resting on the bank of snow, his butt barely a few centimeters away from ploping into the icy powder. Yellow duck making contraption in hand he slowly began to build an army of ducks. His progress was interrupted by a ball of snow exploding against his knee.

Eyes darting upward he sent a playful glare at his companion, elation rolled off his figure in soft cresting waves. "Don't try me butthead."

Jisung raised his hand tightly holding a freshly made snow ball, prone and aimed he almost threw it when Chenle grabbed one of the ducks to throw back at him. The action made him shout, disbelief and betrayal coloring his voice.

"Don't throw one of the babies! What's wrong with you?"

Throwing his head back a loud dolphin-like cackle, his black hair gleamed beneath the sunlight burning through the haze of snow and wind. Light refracted on falling snowflakes, the light shining into Chenle's warm brown eyes.

Pineapple mask wrinkling with his grin, Chenle did the one thing Jisung told him not to do — he threw the baby snow duck at Jisung's chest. Something similar to a strangled noise of shock erupted from the younger. The poor duck crumbled against his chest, his eyes giving way to betrayal and heart break.

"You monster." Jisung tackled Chenle to the ground his voice cracking as he grabbed a handful of snow shoving it down the front of the shorter's shirt.

They spent the rest of next few hours throwing snow around, giggles and shouts that definitely drew attention by onlookers. By the time they were done, both men were soaked by snow and cheeks flushed beneath their masks.

Another update, I hope you enjoyed this cute chapter.

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