1 || Return

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Bright and beautiful sunlight coming from the window fell on the face of the person sitting on the side looking outside. The person looked happy, sad and nervous at the same time.

Happy because of two reasons- because of the beauty of nature outside the window and because the person missed the place eventhough it had changed quite alot. Or the person just forgot about how it looked before and felt that nothing was as it was in the past. But this happiness wasn't much compared to the other feelings.

Sad cause of two reasons again- because the person missed someone who they left behind to come here and someone who left them behind at this place, years ago.

Nervous cause of many reasons- like what this place will bring in for future, how will people treat them, Will they be able to live here the way they did before without any problems. And, most of all what would they feel after seeing the ones that left them.

The person's thoughts were interrupted by an announcement indicating that they have reached their destination. Hearing that, the person waits for the train to stop. Eventually, the train stopped and seeing that, the person went to the doors that had opened already and got down with their luggage.

The person though, quite tired didn't go straight home, instead they went to their parents' . A place they haven't been to, since they turned 8. It wasn't like it was their choice but probably fate had something else written for them.

The person, knowing where they were heading to, was quite dazed like it wasn't them wanting to go there but their feet dragged them to that place. As they neared to the place minute by minute their heartbeat increased. The reason probably being the nervousness of having to face them in a long time.

As they reached to the place it was already evening indicating that walking to the place was a bad idea. Standing at the entrance of the place the person closed their eyes feeling the wind.

Even if the person had forgotten alot about the city, probably this was the only place in the city they could never forget. Taking one deep breath the person moved their feet to enter which was greeted by the sound of wet grass smashing under the shoes. The person walked in with nothing but a backpack and another bag held by the hand rolling behind. It felt bad to come meet them with nothing.

The person came to a stop when they finally found what they were looking for. The person stayed there for some time. Some time being till night after the visit was interrupted by a phone ringing.

The person picked up the call not bothering about the state or place they were in or even how much time has passed, knowing it could be none other than a worried person on the other side.

"Why didn't you call? I was worried. Did you reach or not?" The person said from the other side clearly worried. The person smiled knowing the reaction was expected."Grandma, I am okay. I reached safely. I just went to meet mom and dad and forgot the time." The person replied back. There was a pause on the other side when the person now known as "Grandma" spoke "My child, you could have gone tomorrow, are you really okay? You're not crying, are you?" After hearing what Grandma spoke the person stayed quiet for a bit and then spoke trying their best not to sound sad or anything. "No, Grandma, I told you. I am fully fine." Hearing this Grandma had some suspicion but decided to put it off knowing the person on the other side was always this way.

"Where are you now? Have you reached home?" Asked Grandma. "No, but I am on my way. I miss you already Grandma." The person said. Hearing this, Grandma felt bad and replied softly, "I too miss you my child. Don't worry i'll come visit sometime around your birthday, okay?" The person on the other side replied with "Okay, I'll call you later Grandma, take care and eat well." After which the person ended the call.

The person gave a last glance to the place before deciding to go to the new home which they will be living in from now on.
It was already late and there was alot to do from tomorrow.

The person took a cab this time eventhough the wish to walk home and see the surroundings was still there but since it was already night meaning there won't be anything as beautiful to watch than it would be during the day the plan was put off. Also, the fact that the day's activities were finally showing their consequences turning the person into a body with just a wish to go home and get a nice sleep but, with a well needed dinner.

The cab came to a stop. Knowing that it is time to get off the person got out. The person looked at the house for a bit and then went inside. Immediately, the person was greeted with silence and darkness but since the person was tired it felt quite calm.

Switching the lights on, the person went up to their room and kept the luggage at the side. It can be taken care of tomorrow. The person went to the bathroom and took a shower before coming down now dressed in pajamas. The person just ordered something to eat since there was nothing in the house yet.

After some time the food came. The person's hunger didn't let the food have time to get cold either before it was fully finished and all the boxes were in the trash can.

After that the person went straight to the bedroom, dropping on the bed and letting sleep take over, finally shutting all the thoughts for the time being.

My first ever story
Special thanks to my first ever Wattpad friend @MaeganWinchester.
She helped and encouraged me alot.
You guys can go and check her stories as well. She writes really nice. If you like the first chapter, make sure to follow and stay tuned are well as share. Thanks.

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