Hello Nora

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The twins moved into the next room, entering through the doorway the large scar had nicely kicked in for them. The twins searched the room and then headed on through a set of double doors. The twins squeezed through the small gap between the two doors and headed on into the next room finding a stairway.

"Let's try this." Ellie said.

"Following you." Dylan replied.

The twins headed up to the roof of the building, seeing the hospital close by.

"Better still be there, Nora." Ellie said.

"I'm sure she is. If they are clearing out that hospital, I'm sure they will be searching each floor for hours and depending on the amount of infected in there...they may be held up in there for a few days." Dylan replied.

Ellie nodded at her brother.

"As long as she hasn't been killed by an infected, I'll be happy." Ellie smirked.

Dylan nodded and followed after Ellie as she continued on.

The twins headed down the ladder on the side of the building and dropped down into the water below. The twins headed for land and a stairway caught Dylan's eye.

"El, stairs over there. See where that takes us." Dylan informed.

"Good eye, bro." Ellie smiled.

"Why thank you." Dylan smirked.

The twins headed up the stairs, leading towards a store. The twins headed inside and salvaged any supplies they could find.

"Hey, D." Ellie called.

"Yeah." Dylan replied as he stuck his head over the shelves.

"Shotgun shells." Ellie said before she tossed them to her brother.

"Thanks, sis." Dylan smiled.

The twins headed out of the store and moved down another stairway back towards the flooded street.

"Looks like we're swimming." Dylan smiled before he stepped into the water.

Ellie followed after her brother and they began to swim towards the hospital. As they swam towards the hospital, the twins heard a boat and some WLF soldiers. Dylan moved Ellie towards a nearby bank and they listened into the conversation.

"Did you find her yet?" A WLF soldier asked.

"Shit..." Ellie said quietly.

"She escaped while no one was looking. We're searching the area...just in case she's still around." Another WLF answered.

"Isaac's not happy about it." A WLF soldier informed.

"No shit." Another WLF replied.

Dylan looked to Ellie curious as to who they were talking about.

"Are they talking about us?" Dylan asked.

"Can't be. They know we're out here together. Another trespasser maybe?" Ellie replied.

"I just hope Talia hasn't snuck out of the theatre. She's got a death wish coming out here with Jesse." Dylan stated.

"I know you don't agree with it, but she was just worried about you." Ellie replied.

Dylan sighed.

"I know, but she hasn't had the same experience with all this as you and I or Dina and Jesse. I mean me, you and Dina have dealt with this first hand, we've dealt with all these kinds of people before. We have experience with killing infected from when we were with Joel and from going on patrol. Talia doesn't have any of that. I mean she helped in the kitchens and the infirmary for christ sake. She only knows how to use a gun because she's a a few lessons with Tommy. I just...I just wished she had listened to me because now I've got one more person to worry about." Dylan informed before he began to swim towards the hospital.

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