XX Bulletproof

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« Eric's prove »

The next morning I got up and after showering and eating breakfast and giving breakfast to Jess, I directly went to my underground house to check on Jason.

After arriving there, I saw that Jason was lying on the bed while his leg was bandaged and Jacob was next to him on the seat. When Jacob saw me he came towards me.

And said, "Your doctor came and treated him and told me he is fine and probably will wake up in some time."

Me: "Good good, did you get any information about the person who fired last night and about the warning guy?"

Jacob: "Yeah, I got some information about that - I don't know if that's useful"

Me: "Say it "

Jacob: "The watchman told me that he saw a guy going to the rooftop the last night and he dropped something on the floor. So when he bent down to pick it up, an X sign was visible on his neck and he was wearing a t-shirt on which ' bulletproof ' was written. Other than that he could see nothing."

Me: "I know exactly who they are"

Jacob: "Who? "

Me: "Do you remember the time when we were attacked by 'XX bulletproof'?"

Jacob: "Oh shit, I didn't think about them, they all X mark their necks and that's their identity"

Me: "Check on his (pointing towards Jason) neck if he has the same mark or not."

Jacob: "Do you think that he is also a member of that group? "

Me: "It's possible, as they were trying hard to save him"

He went towards him checked on his neck and then looked at me in complete disbelieve, then I asked "Is he..."

Jacob: " Yeah, I can't believe this. How can this bastard deceive us like that?" Saying this he started kicking him on his leg where he was injured and because of the pain, he woke up immediately and started cursing at us.

Hearing him Jacob got angrier and started punching on his face and didn't stop until Jason's started bleeding.

I dragged Jacob outside with me because if he sees Jason for another second he will probably kill him.

I told him to wait until the night to kill and till then try to make him spill some information about the 'XX bulletproof' group and then I went out.

I went home to check on Jess and saw her seating on the bed. I went towards her and asked her she wanted to eat something but she said she didn't want to eat anything and then I gave her medicine and then went outside.

I went to my room and opened my laptop and started gathering as much information as possible about the 'XX bulletproof' group.

After I took shower and went outside towards the kitchen to something for myself and after preparing and eating my lunch, I then went to Jess's room just to discover that she was sleeping like a dead person, yeah she sleeps dead human.

I decided to let her sleep, as tonight will be tough for her. I decided to take a shower to relax and I got dressed in my underground house as it was nearly night.

I again went to Jess's room to tell her to be prepared because my one guy will come to pick her up, she wasn't super confused about that.

Then I went towards my underground house to meet with Jacob and also to kill Jason.

I went to my underground house and saw Jason lying on the floor and his face was brutally injured and I saw Jacob sitting on the chair next to him.

I went towards him and asked him what happened but he didn't answer me anything, and just dragged me outside with him.

And said "That bastard is threatened us saying that if we do something to him, his group will come for freaking rescue him and kill us"

Me: "And how he ended up with an injured and bleeding face"

Jacob: "l. Uhm ...h..he wanted it"

Me: "JACOB, truth"

Jacob: "Okay, he has threatened us and you know I don't take threats very nicely (he said while scratching the back of his neck) and then I got a little angry, just a little okay? and then I just probably maybe just beaten the shit out of him, just maybe"

I tried to stay calm and not allow my anger to overwhelm me and I said "And how many times I have to tell you to not beat someone when you are alone?" I asked while raising my one eyebrow.

Jacob: "Sorry," he said in a tone from which it was clear that he was not at all sorry about anything he did.

I am not concerned about Jason at all but letting Jacob do something like that alone is a little risky, as I still remember the day when he did something like that alone, and rather than beating, he got beaten so after that don't let him do anything alone.

Me: "Like are you for real?" I said making an angry face.

Jacob: " Okay, sorry. This one is okay," he said making pouty child-like faces because he knows that I wouldn't be angry with him for long, this trick of his always works on me.

Me: " Okay, now let's go in," I said while rolling my eyes.

He just giggled and then followed me inside the underground house.

After discussing some matters and stuff about how to get revenge from XX bulletproof for Jason's betrayal, because he will not be alive after today so his group has to pay for all his sins.

I sent Jacob to get Jess from my place and get her here.

After some time he arrived with Jess, her hand and mouth were tied up roughly. I told him to make her sit on the chair in front of Jason and then tie her from the chair

She was sobbing I don't know why because till now nothing has happened to her and don't what will she do when the game will start.

Jacob and I went out to grab the best tool to torture Jason.

He brought rope, hammer, steel chain, knife, and some other stuff to torture him and it will be in front of Jess, and I am damn sure that it will give nightmares to her for the rest of her life and to any other normal person who had a normal life.

Jacob went toward Jason and tied him on a steel chair. He was cursing at me and Jacob but who cares.

I went toward Jason and on the chair in front of him and calmly asked "Why did you betray us" but he didn't say anything and just spit on my face in disgust.

And seeing that Jacob got angry and came towards pointing a gun at his head but I calmed him down and told him to go out for some minutes to relax.

Because I know if he stayed here he will just get angry and probably do something stupid to Jason which can't be afforded right now, as we have to be very careful about everything and we can't make any mistake as it can have bad consequences.


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