Chapter 6: The Second Search (Peterpatter Perspective)

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Luke and Reggie poofed to the upstairs of Bobby's house after meeting with Flynn. "Ready Reg?" Luke said as they arrived in Bobby's room.

"Born ready," Reggie replied, smirking at Luke.

They started in Bobby's room, rooting through the drawers, making a mess everywhere. "How embarrassing," Luke said as he held up a bottle of Just for Men hair dye. Reggie laughed at the thought of his old bandmate having to cover up grey hairs.

"I guess vegetarianism doesn't keep your hair from going grey." Wow that was a stupid joke, Reggie said to himself. It never bothered him before, telling stupid jokes to Luke, so why did it bother him now? He turned to Luke and saw him smirking at Reggie's not-so-funny joke. Reggie smirked back and looked at Luke's dimples and the way his eyes were almost completely shut. He shook it off and got back to work. Nothing ever could, would, or even should happen there, right?

Reggie went over to his clothes drawers to look to see if there was anything hidden in there. He started digging through the drawers and throwing clothes on the floor.

"Reggie?" Luke said from across the room, "what the hell are you doing looking through Bobby's underwear drawer?"

"You're telling me that you never hid anything in yours as a kid?" Reggie questioned.

"Yes, but I was like 8, you dumbass," Luke said, trying to restrain a smile.

Reggie held up a journal, "Well, who's the dumbass now?" Reggie said.

Luke smiled, "Way to go, Reg!" Luke said. Reggie tried to play it off cool, but he didn't. The validation from Luke made his heart skip a beat. "Okay, let's break this sucker open," Luke said, taking the notebook from Reggie. It looked pretty old, with a faded leather cover and a binding that was barely holding it together. Luke opened it, attempting to be mindful of the binding. "It's full of songs," said Luke, "Oh god they're HORRIBLE!" Luke said with a tone of disgust in his voice.

"Let me see," said Reggie, snatching the journal out of Luke's hands. Luke was not wrong: the songs were HORRIBLE.

"Girl, girl, girl. You're prettier than a pearl, pearl, pearl. Honey, honey, you make me feel kinda funny. I love you more than money. You make my heart run-ny. I love, love you, girl, girl, girl," the song read.

Suddenly, Luke was standing over Reggie's shoulder, looking as well. He could feel Luke's breath against his neck. He smiled to himself but moved forward to get away from him. He kept flipping. The songs were absolute garbage, all written about girls or parties, none with any layers or substance to them. Well, all of them except one.

"Luke?" Reggie called to him, "You gotta see this one."

Luke came over and took the notebook from Reggie. Luke read the page. It was totally different from the other ones. This one had so much ANGER to it, so much hurt. It didn't fit in with the other ones. This one was different, and it left the boys with an uneasy feeling:

You clipped my wings, so I couldn't fly.

You knocked me down about a million times.

You watched me fall, now I watch you die.

How's that for your melodies and rhymes?

No warning shot, just a trigger pull.

Wow, look at you, so predictable.

You made it way too easy.

Well, I hope you enjoyed, sincerely me."

Reggie went to stand by Luke again, and they just read the lyrics over and over again. "Well, this seems like a pretty solid confession to me," Reggie said, still not taking his eyes off those lyrics. He just couldn't stop reading them. These were the thoughts of their killer.

"Sadly, I don't think it'll be enough to incriminate him," Luke said, putting his arm around Reggie.

Reggie panicked and tried to back away, slamming his foot into the drum set in his room, creating a loud crash. "MOTHERFU-," Reggie began to yell before Luke put his finger in front of Reggie's mouth to tell him to be quiet.

"What was that?" they heard Carrie faintly saying from downstairs. Reggie pushed Luke's finger away from his lips. It reminded him of something he wished he could forget, but he thinks about every waking moment.

"Are you all good?" said Luke, "You've been acting really weird lately, dude."

"Yeah, are you kidding? I'm fine no worries," Reggie replied. But he wasn't fine. Ever since Luke sang "Edge of Great" to him and indirectly kissed him, he hasn't been able to get Luke out of his head. This wasn't the first time he's felt these feelings for him, but it was definitely the strongest.

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