Chapter 49: The Epilogue

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The year was 2026, and a crowd of people formed around the small venue off Sunset Blvd. The Orpheum was much smaller than the venues the group had become accustomed to while on tour, but they didn't care: this place was special. The crowd outside cheered as they huddled around the venue, listening to the faint echoes of the music coming from inside. Inside, a band was onstage playing rock music. There were four of them: a drummer, a bassist, a rhythm guitarist, and their lead singer and lead guitarist. The crowd inside jumped and cheered as the band played their final song of the night. The lead guitarist gave hi-5s to the people in the crowd with his manicured hands as the drummer did her final solo of the night. When she finished, the crowd erupted into applause, everyone jumping out of their seats if they weren't already standing.

"Thank you, thank you!" the front man yelled as the crowd quieted. "Now get ready for Triple Trouble!" The crowd cheered as the band of four walked off the stage, heading back to their dressing rooms. The lead guitarist walked by the dressing room of the girls of Triple Trouble first and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" one of them said. It was Flynn.

"It's Nick," the guitarist said, "I'm just swinging by to say good luck tonight! It's an awesome crowd!"

"We caught the beginning of your set. You guys killed it!" Carrie remarked.

"Thanks Carrie! Is Julie there?" Nick asked.

"No, she's not ready yet, but I'll tell her you wished her good luck," Flynn replied.

"Thanks!" Nick said. "Well, I'll see you girls after the show. Bye!" Nick walked away going back with his band to celebrate. It was the last night on the US leg of the tour after all. Twelve weeks with stops in forty-six states was a lot, but they all enjoyed it. The "I Got the Music" tour was a massive success, both bands earning critical acclaim for their show. Flynn and Carrie were putting their final touches on their makeup when Julie came bursting through the door in a panic.

"Where is it? Shit where did it go? Oh my god did I leave it in Sacramento? I can't go on without it no, no, no!" Julie said as she dashed around the room, looking under everything.

"Julie, relax okay? What are you looking for?" Flynn asked, putting her arm on Julie.

Julie took a deep breath. "The blue rabbit's foot. The one Luke left behind. I swear I had it earlier," she said, going back into her panic.

"It's right here Julie," Carrie said, picking it up from the vanity. Julie ran over and grabbed the keychain, hugging Carrie after she got it.

"Thank you," Julie sighed in relief. Ever since they crossed over, she had it clipped onto her outfit somewhere for every show.

"Jules, I know how hard this show is going to be for you, but you got this! You're gonna be incredible as always," Flynn said, joining in on their hug. A few seconds later, the manager knocked on the dressing room door.

"Two minutes ladies," they yelled as they walked by. The girls broke apart from their hug.

"Well, I better clip this then," Julie said. She clipped it on the interior lining on the leather jacket she was wearing. "You don't think there's too much going on with my outfit, right? I just had to bring all of them with me tonight, especially because of where we are." Julie was wearing ripped black jeans, Reggie's leather jacket, Alex's fanny pack, and, to top it all off, her mom's Sunset Curve shirt. All three of them were wearing Sunset Curve shirts. They planned it as an homage to the boys, since everyone thinks they never got to play there. This was going to be Julie's first time playing there again since she played as Julie and the Phantoms.

"It's perfect Julie. I bet they'd love it," Flynn said, giving Julie a side hug.

"One minute," the manager came back to say.

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