Chapter 7: The Debrief

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They all left the house and decided to meet back up at Flynn's house because they were worried about Julie finding out about what they just did.

"My parents aren't home, so we can just meet in the living room," Flynn said as the boys followed her into the living room. "So, what did you guys figure out?" said Flynn.

"We found out that Bobby signed his contract under the name Trevor, but overall, it was just a big flop," wrote Alex, drawing a little frown on the side of the whiteboard.

"Yep didn't find much," said Willie's whiteboard, him and Alex not standing next to each other. It seemed strange to Flynn.

"We found something a little more intense," Luke's whiteboard said.

"Yeah, we found a songbook of Bobby's. It's mostly garbage, but there's one in particular that was suspicious," Flynn read on Reggie's whiteboard as Luke placed a crumpled-up piece of paper on the table. Flynn noticed that they were standing further apart than normal too. She picked up the paper and realized that this was neither of their handwriting.

"You... ripped it out of his notebook?" Flynn said with a tone of disappointment.

"What were we supposed to do?" Reggie's whiteboard said.

"Write it down, take a picture of it I don't know not just rip it out. Have you guys ever seen any kind of mystery movies or have brain cells? If he is a killer, he will notice the smallest differences in his possessions," said Flynn, raising her voice slightly.

"Random question: if we left the room slightly messy, would a murderer notice? Not that we did that," said Luke's whiteboard.

"If I could touch you, I would slap you guys," said Flynn, still upset by the fact that this was the team she had to work with.

"So, how did songwriting go? Did you learn anything?" said Alex's whiteboard.

"No, I didn't learn anything useful. It was just a normal project work session, nothing more," said Flynn, shifting her gaze from the boys. "Anyways," Flynn said, switching the topic of discussion quickly, "I think the next step is finding your autopsy reports to see if something isn't lining up, like faked results or inaccurate cause of death prediction."

"Sounds like a plan :)," Willie's whiteboard said.

"Okay, let's plan to meet up tomorrow for a little internet searching," Flynn said. "We can try to figure out how to trace down all this information."

"Okay. We'll see you tomorrow!" Luke's whiteboard said.

She saw three whiteboards poof away, but one remained in the room.

"Flynn, why did you look so panicked when I brought up you working with Carrie?" Alex said.

"I-I looked nervous," Flynn said, attempting to fake a laugh, "I wasn't nervous. Why would I be nervous to talk about working on a project with a girl I hate?"

"I saw you too after Reggie and Luke caused that crash," Alex's board said, "I know there's more going on here than you're willing to admit."

"Okay fine, fine maybe Carrie and I had a moment. A quick one if anything where we didn't completely despise each other, but it's in the past it's over and it will never happen again."

"Do you want it to happen again?"

This question was a loaded one for Flynn. She had never thought about Carrie in that way before, nor had she ever wanted to. But something happened when they bonded over music together. They were both so passionate about what they did, and it made Flynn see Carrie in a whole new light. This did not change the fact that friends don't date each other's exes, especially if their relationship is still strained. She wasn't sure if she could entrust Alex with this information. He was Julie's bandmate before he was her friend.

"Maybe I do, but it can't. That's the bottom line," Flynn said, "Let's change the topic, okay?"

Alex was confused by this ambiguous statement by Flynn. He could tell that she didn't trust him yet, but he knew what it's like pining after someone that seems off limits from his years of crushing on Luke before they dated. He needed to enclose personal information to Flynn as well, so she could see that they could have mutual trust.

"I'm worried about Willie and me. He's hiding something from me, and I know it, but I have no idea what. He's been acting weird since the search ended," Alex wrote on his whiteboard.

Flynn welcomed the topic change. "You should just ask him. If your relationship is as strong as it appears to be, he'll tell you. I don't even have to be able to see you guys to know how much that boy adores you," said Flynn, doing her best to ease Alex's fears.

Alex smiled. This was a sweet side of Flynn he didn't see too often. He could finally see how similar she and Julie truly were. "Thank you. I think I will ask him," said Alex's board with a drawing of a smiley face. He erased the board. "Welp, I better get going back to the boys. Maybe we can chat more later?" Alex wrote on his board.

"Yeah," said Flynn, smiling, "that sounds great."

The fourth whiteboard disappeared as Flynn sat down, trying to think of anything but her afternoon with Carrie, but failing miserably.

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