Chapter 17: The Scene

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The boys poofed outside of the studio.

"Willie, what's going on?" Luke asked, starting to get nervous, "Is everyone okay?" He paused and lowered his voice, "Did you find Reggie?"

"As far as I know, everyone is fine, and I'm sorry, but I didn't find Reggie," Willie said in a more calmed tone now, realizing how much he freaked Alex and Luke out. "But in regard to you guys trying to figure out if Bobby killed you, there's a new problem."

"What could have possibly happened to change things? We died 25 years ago, almost 26 now," Luke asked skeptically.

"Yeah, but we really started some new shit," Willie said, looking over to Alex to see his nervous but confused face, "Just come to Carrie's house with me, and I'll show you what I mean." Willie poofed away.

"Are you sure you're going to be able to go and see Willie?" Luke asked, putting his arm around Alex, "That was pretty cold."

"I mean I don't want to," Alex said, breaking away from Luke's arm to face him, "But, I mean, this is more important. We have to figure out what happened." Don't we? Alex thought to himself, thinking about not just this one event at Bobby's house, but about the whole investigation.

"Okay, but you guys really need to talk. There's more going on than he's telling you," Luke said.

"Like what?"

"I can't tell you, but all I can tell you is that you need to talk to him. Maybe not now, but when you're both ready. You both need answers."

"Okay." Luke turned to poof away, "WAIT!" Alex yelled before he did, "Shouldn't we wait for Reggie? I mean this is kind of a group thing. Or did he-," Alex began.

"-blow up again?" Luke finished his sentence, "Yeah, I'm worried he did. But he won't talk to me about it. I haven't seen him since we visited his mom."

"So, that caused the blow up?" Alex said with a nervous tone.

"Yeah. She has Alzheimer's and lost a lot of her memories. But the thing that hit him the worst was that she thought the nurse was Natalie."

"Oh," Alex sighed. Natalie had always been a tough subject for Reggie, for the whole band even. "I just hope he's okay. What do we do?" Alex said.

"I was thinking that we need to back off for a bit," said Luke, "Last time when we tried to jump on him, he only fought us more. I think we need to give him time and space to process everything."

"Everything? Is there more?" Alex asked.

Luke didn't want to tell him. There was already enough going on, and he didn't want him and Reggie's problems to be another element, especially when it comes to Alex. "No, just the mom stuff, and maybe the fact that his dad wasn't there either," Luke lied. "Well, we better head over to Carrie's to figure out what's going on."

They poofed away.

The security fence outside of Carrie's house looked like a frenzy. There were news cameras, photographers, and journalists all along the fence, all pointed at the Wilson's home.

"Oh my god what happened? Did he get arrested or something?" Alex tried to look over all the people.

"Dude, we're ghosts let's just go in," Luke said.

There was a silence, and they looked at each other, expecting something else to be said, but then they realized that the void was created by Reggie not being there as he always was. They mutually decided to ignore it and walked through the crowds into the front yard of the house. They turned to see a field reporter on the lawn, starting her report.

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