Chapter 44: The Date

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As Flynn and Carrie got the still unconscious Nick in the car to drive him home, Willie tapped Alex's shoulder.

"So, how about that date you promised me?" Willie said with a small but pained smirk. He wanted to spend more time with Alex, but he didn't like this feeling, knowing that it was all about to end. He had come to terms with it already, but he was devastated to know that there was no chance to fix this.

"I don't know if I should leave everyone," Alex said, but specifically talking about Reggie. He looked over at Reggie, who was standing alone. Julie was with her mom, and Reggie was the only one without someone there with them. It hurt more knowing who would have been there with him.

Reggie turned to them, overhearing the conversation. "Don't worry about me, go have your date," Reggie said with a faked smile. "I'll just go back to the house. I have some more goodbyes to say. But will you come with me later? I want to go see my dad."

Alex nodded, knowing he would only make Reggie feel worse if he stayed with him and didn't go, although the idea of leaving him alone this hurt was never something he wanted to do. Reggie poofed away, going to the house. Alex took Willie's hand as they poofed away.

They appeared inside the Hollywood Ghost Club. The ghosts inside were running around and whispering to each other in a chaotic nature.

"Wait, what's going on?" Willie asked, going over to one of the dancers.

"Our stamps just floated off our arms. We still don't know why," they said, their face twisted in concern. Willie and Alex smiled at each other. Not only had they saved Rose and got Bobby arrested, but by defeating Caleb, they also freed everyone in the club from Caleb's control. Willie and Alex walked onto the stage, and Willie grabbed the microphone.

"Caleb's been defeated. You're all free!" Willie yelled with a huge smile plastered across his face. The ghosts all cheered, as many cried and began to hug each other. They all began to slowly leave, wanting to celebrate their freedom from Caleb's clutches and do the things they weren't able to do before. Willie and Alex walked down from the stage to celebrate with them. It felt weird to celebrate, but the other ghost's reaction turned something that they both were viewing as mostly negative into a cause for celebration. They played a part in freeing all these people, and for that they could be happy. The ghosts all poofed away one by one to go do the things they didn't get to when they were trapped by Caleb. After several minutes of celebration, they were all gone, and it was just Willie and Alex alone in the club.

"It's so strange seeing this place empty," Willie said. "There's always something going on here. It's almost peaceful, especially because it means that everyone is free. I hadn't even thought about the fact that everyone here would've been freed too."

"Same," Alex said as he pulled out a chair at the table nearby. "So, about that date?" Willie giggled and sat down as Alex pushed the chair back in. "I'll go get the food. I'll be right back." Alex poofed away, leaving Willie alone in the large ballroom. Since Caleb was gone, Willie was free now too. Yet, he had never felt more trapped. Being controlled by Caleb didn't feel so bad when he had Alex with him, but now that was gone. He felt like he was trapped on Earth as the man he loved was about to cross over. He just wanted to be with him. Everything was almost perfect, but it was about to fall apart. Willie got out of his chair and took a breath in. There was only one thing that made him feel better when he felt this helpless. He screamed. He yelled so loud that the echo became overwhelming. He let all his frustrations out in those screams as they filled the empty ballroom. Alex came back in with the food in his hands to find Willie yelling. He stopped at the sight of Alex. But much to Willie's surprise, Alex put down the food onto the table and began to yell too. Willie began to yell again and ran up to Alex to grab his shirt. Hearing their screams together reminded both of their first date in the museum. Things were simpler then. They wished they could just go back to that moment, and for a moment, they did. They closed their eyes and imagined they were in the museum. They could feel the sunlight on their faces from the giant windows, despite being in the windowless club.

They opened their eyes and stared into each other's for a few moments and smiling. The future felt less looming in those moments. Until they both remember what was to come. Willie wanted to run. He didn't want to face it. He felt that, if he left now, it would feel less real. He would have to watch Alex leave him. He would be free from that. He could live in his denial. However, he didn't run. He ran to Alex and hugged him. He buried his face into Alex's neck, and Alex buried his face into Willie's. After a long time, Willie lifted his head and changed the subject.

"So, what food did you get us?" Willie asked.

"Burgers, of course!" Alex replied. "That's what you brought, so I figured I'd do the same. Unless you don't like the idea and want something else. I can go get something else-,"

Willie smiled and went on his toes to kiss Alex on the forehead. "It's perfect," he whispered, making Alex blush. They sat down next to each other, practically sharing a chair. Willie held his burger with one hand and held Alex's hand under the table with the other, Alex doing the same. They kept looking at each other every couple of seconds, but not saying a lot. They didn't quite know what to say. Was this goodbye? They finished their food as the silence persisted.

Alex finally broke the silence. "If things were different, what do you think would happen?"

"What do you mean?" Willie asked, turning his body, so he was facing Alex.

"What do you think we would be? How would we have turned out?" Alex asked, turning his chair to face Alex as well.

"Well, I was thinking... no it's stupid," Willie blushed, turning his face away from Alex.

Alex grabbed Willie's face and turned it to face him again. "Nothing you think could ever be stupid to me."

Willie smiled then continued, "Well, since Caleb is out of the picture, there's this whole club open now. So, I always kind of thought we would run this together. But not the way Caleb did. We would make it our own little escape for ghosts. Some place fun with good music where everyone could just let loose and party. The place I thought this was before I found out about Caleb."

Alex smiled. "That sounds amazing. I would've loved that." Alex said, beginning to tear up. He wanted that life, more than anything. Just imagining spending forever with Willie was a light and beautiful feeling. It hurt to know that it wasn't going to happen. He collected himself: he wanted this to be happy. "So, in this fantasy for our lives together, were we married?" Alex smirked.

Willie blushed and smiled, "Well, I would've waited a few years, then asked you in some elaborate way, but yes, we would definitely be married."

Alex smiled back. "This would've been the perfect place to do it. All these tables and a stage too. I can see it now." Alex stood up, going over to grab a napkin from the table. He placed the napkin on his head and picked up the flower centerpiece, holding it to his chest, walking slowly towards the stage, as if walking down the aisle. Willie understood what was happening, and he ran up to the stage before Alex reached the stage. Willie began humming The Wedding March and was messing with the tin foil he had in his pocket. Alex reached the stage and saw what was in Willie's hand. "Willie, what are you making?" Alex asked.

"Rings of course. You can't have a wedding without the rings," Willie smiled. He handed Alex one of the tin foil rings. Alex sticked out his ring finger as Willie put the ring on his finger. Willie then did the same as Alex put the ring on Willie's finger. They held each other's hands, wide smiles on both of their faces.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband," Alex laughed, and Willie joined in his laughter. "C'mon Willie, what are you waiting for? This is when you kiss the bride!" Alex said lightheartedly, pointing at his lips. Willie leaned towards Alex and kissed him. As they kissed, they could hear the cheers of their friends, as if this was a real wedding. No one was there, but it was nice to imagine. Then, the cheering stopped, and it was just them again, and that was all that mattered. This day would never come for them, but this was a good alternate.

"Look at me. I'm Mr. Alex Mercer. God, am I lucky!" Willie said as they broke away from their kiss.

"I love you," Alex said, gazing into Willie's big brown eyes.

"I love you too, hot dog."

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