Chapter 33: The Possibility

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The room fell silent, none of them knowing what to do or say. They knew that they had to get to the bottom of this whole situation, but none of them knew the next step. The evidence was collecting, but there wasn't any evidence that would be enough proof to solve the case. It was just pieces to a puzzle that was incomplete. They heard a phone ring. It was Flynn's.

"Shit! It's my dad," she said as she picked up the phone.

The group didn't know what he was saying, but they could hear him through the phone, yelling at her, they assumed, for leaving in the middle of the night.

"Okay, okay I promise I'll be right home I'm sorry. Julie needed me and-,"

Her dad interrupted and began to yell again.

"Okay," Flynn sighed, "I'm heading home now." She hung up the phone and looked at everyone. "Damn, the one time he checks on me when he gets home from work."

"I'm sorry, Flynn I should have just waited for tomorrow. This whole thing was just freaking me out, and-,"

"It's fine," Flynn interrupted. "I made the decision to go, I'll deal with the consequences." The room fell silent for a minute. "Well, I better head home. Goodnight everyone."

Before she could leave, Alex poofed in front of her with his whiteboard in hand, "I'll walk you home."

"No, seriously I'm alright it's just a few blocks away."

"Still. I want to make sure you're safe."

"Okay. Thanks Alex."

Flynn began to walk out the door, Alex walking right by her side.

Flynn and Alex began walking up the driveway. As soon as they were out of the range of everyone else, Flynn handed Alex her phone.

"You're gonna fill me in on all the Willie shit, and everything else. I haven't talked to you alone all day, and I feel like I'm behind on the drama."

"I don't know what you've missed," Alex typed into the text-to-speech.

"Just start typing, and we'll figure it out," Flynn said.

"Okay, so apparently Luke and Reggie started kissing on top of the Orpheum sign," Alex typed as the dictation came from the phone.

"I knew they'd figure it out! So, when are you going to figure it out?"

"Figure what out?"

"Alex don't act stupid. I know you and Willie broke up. And it doesn't add up. You two were so happy, What gives?"

"How'd you know? Which one of those idiots told you?"

"Luke did, but all he said is that you two broke up. So why?"

"When we went to go get the papers from the hospital, I said, 'I love you,' and Willie didn't say it back. Then, I got pissed at him when I saw him again, so we broke up."

"Shit I'm sorry." Flynn paused. "Do you want him back?"

"Uhhh well... yeah. But I can't just go back."

"Why not? I mean, you must know that he loves you. It's so obvious. I can't even see you two, but I know you love each other."

"But he didn't say it."

"Did he have to? Maybe he should have, but does him not saying it automatically mean that he doesn't feel it?"

"I don't know. Being blocked out by someone you love after a traumatic experience? It all feels.. familiar to me."

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