Chapter 41: The Rescue

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Flynn, Carrie, and Reggie entered the car as they drove downtown. Flynn sped out of Julie's driveway, barely looking where she was going.

"Flynn!" Carrie exclaimed. "I know we have to get there fast, but you have to slow down."

"I can't, Carrie!" Flynn yelled back. "I sent her there. It's my fault she even asked Nick, and now they're alone, and I have to get to her before he can hurt her!"

"But we need to get there without crashing into someone," Carrie yelled as she grabbed the handle above her as Flynn began taking wild turns."

"Well, I-," Flynn began to yell before looking in her rearview mirror and seeing Reggie's whiteboard. From what she knew about his past, and how he was acting earlier, she realized that the yelling was just going to make him feel worse. She lowered her voice to a whisper and slowed down the car. "I'm sorry I'll slow down."

Carrie looked confused. "Why are you backing down?"

Flynn looked in her rearview mirror again, "Sometimes, it's not worth winning."

Carrie nodded then looked down at her phone. "Okay, Snap Maps say that Julie is at the Sunset Pizzeria," Carrie said. "It's the one between the tattoo shop and the Hallmark."

"Okay. We'll be there in 3 minutes, as long as the traffic isn't bad," Flynn said as she redirected her attention to the road. Much to their misfortune, they hit every single light on their way there. The drive that took Julie and Nick five minutes took Flynn, Carrie, and Reggie ten, as Flynn cussed under her breath at every light. Flynn parked the car in the abandoned lot nearby, as she turned to Carrie and Reggie.

"Okay you guys. This is going to be dangerous, but we have to save Julie. There isn't another option here we HAVE to," Flynn said, unbuckling her seatbelt and opening the door.

"What if she's not there?" Reggie wrote on his whiteboard, "What if she's already gone?"

"She's not gone, okay?" Carrie said as tears filled her eyes. "No. She's fine. Please."

Flynn looked over and noticed Carrie's change at seeing his words. Although the idea hurt her, she didn't realize how much it would hurt Carrie. Maybe they were becoming friends again, but she didn't expect this much. Flynn reached out and took Carrie's hand. "Carrie, she's gonna be okay. We're gonna stop him. He won't get to hurt her." Carrie looked back at Flynn and smiled, just for a moment before they all got out of the car and walked towards the pizzeria. The walk felt ominous, despite the bright traffic lights and headlights from the cars. They didn't know what was going to happen when they entered that restaurant. They didn't know what they'd see, or what was to come next, but that didn't matter to them. All that mattered was that they saved Julie. They didn't know what it would take to save her, but they would do what they could.

They walked into the Sunset Pizzeria. It was a cute little pizzeria, not too many tables, so they were able to find Julie and Nick immediately. Julie was laughing at something Nick said and was about to take a sip out of her drink. Flynn sprinted over and knocked the drink out of her hand, spilling it all over Julie.

"Hey Flynn, what the hell was that for?" Julie exclaimed as the patrons all turned their attention to the group.

Carrie came over to attempt to salvage the situation. "Flynn, why were you trying to take Julie's drink? We were literally about to order you could have waited," Carrie said, knowing that it was kinda dumb, but it made everyone look away from them.

"Sorry Jules," Flynn chuckled, giving Julie a napkin.

"What are you two doing here?" Nick asked seemingly kindly, but Flynn and Carrie knew better.

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