Chapter 45: The Barrier

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Flynn and Carrie put Nick in the car and buckled him in. They had no idea what they were going to tell his parents, or even what they were going to tell him when he woke up. Luckily, he didn't see any of the fight, so they wouldn't have to find a stupid excuse for that. Flynn got in the driver's seat, as Carrie got in the passenger. As Flynn started the car, she looked over at Carrie, who looked back at her, and they smiled weakly. They wanted to be strong for the other, but they were hurting, and they both felt stupid for being upset, both for their own reasons. Flynn looked away and started driving.

"So, I don't remember where Nick lives. You know, right?" Flynn asked.

"Yes, I do. I'll let you know when to turn. We have little bit to go before you have to turn," Carrie replied, looking down at her phone. They drove for a little bit until she stopped at a red light.

"Carrie," Flynn said, taking her phone from her, "you can't do that to yourself. You have to stop refreshing."

"I'm just on my phone. I don't know what you're talking about," Carrie said, pettily crossing her arms.

Flynn turned the phone to her, and it showed her dad's name typed into Twitter search. "You're just gonna make yourself stressed. Something is going to come out soon but just relax, okay?"

"Okay fine. I'll stop," Carrie said, putting her arm around Flynn's chair as the light turned green.

"So, we're doing this now?"

"Doing what?"

"Putting our arms around each other and shit?" Flynn asked, prompting Carrie to put her arm down. "I never said I didn't like ." Carrie smiled at her then put her arm back around the seat. "But, seriously, are we couple-y now?"

"That depends. What does that entail?"

"I don't know! Random couple shit?"

Carrie laughed, "Random couple shit?"

"I've never been in a 'couple' before. Don't judge," said Flynn, playfully nudging Carrie.

Carrie leaned over and kissed Flynn on the cheek. "Like that kind of random couple shit?"

Flynn blushed. "Yeah. That's exactly what I meant."

"This is the turn right here," Carrie said, pointing to the right as Flynn made the turn.

"I forgot how nice his house was," Flynn said.

"Yeah. I mean his dad is a pretty big star at the Hollywood Bowl, so it's not surprising. And his other dad played for the NBA for a couple seasons. So, not surprising he has a nice house."

Flynn pulled over about a block away from Nick's house and parked the car. "Wait what are you doing Flynn this isn't his house?"

"Shouldn't we try to wake him up at least?" Flynn replied.

"I mean, it's better than his ex-girlfriend bringing him into his house knocked out," Carrie said, getting out of the car.

"So, how are you going to wake him up?" Flynn asked.

"True love's kiss, obviously!" Carrie said sarcastically, making Flynn laugh.

"Here, I have an idea," Flynn said, handing a water bottle to Carrie. Carrie took the water bottle and hit Nick in the face with it. "CARRIE!" Flynn yelled.

"What else was I supposed to do?" Carrie asked.

"I don't know, maybe splash some on his face!" Flynn replied, lightheartedly rolling her eyes.

"Okay, but that was more fun," Carrie argued, as Nick opened his eyes.

"Wait what's happening? Where am I?" Nick asked, seemingly nervous.

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