Chapter 34: The Rewind

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It was 7 AM, just one more hour until Alex was supposed to meet Willie. He slept for about two hours before his thoughts woke him up again. So much had happened, yet Willie was still at the forefront of his mind. Not the idea of their souls being sold, or the fact that their former best friend killed them, but the skater boy he met on the Walk of Fame was the thing that was occupying his thoughts. And that scared him. He was both scared that he would bail and scared that he would run right back to him. He needed backup.

The first person on his list was Julie. Not that Luke and Reggie were incapable of being there for him, but they just weren't that rational when it came to things like this. They liked each other for three years and never did anything about it, which is telling. He poofed in front of Julie's door and lightly knocked. No response. She was probably still asleep. Julie wasn't one to wake up early. None of them were, but Alex had gotten used to it because Willie always liked to go on morning adventures, which Alex found adorable, despite how it interrupted his sleep schedule. He sighed and left Julie to sleep. He poofed back into the garage to see Luke and Reggie still asleep. Even his last resorts were unavailable. Then, he remembered one person that just might be able to help him. He grabbed the flip phone.

"FLYNN????" Alex texted. He assumed she'd probably be asleep and wouldn't see it, but he still hoped there was a chance she might. To his surprise, she texted back two minutes later.

"WHAT???" Flynn responded.

"Can you come with me to talk to Willie?? If you can, I want you to just walk with me or drive with me. I just need someone there, so I don't bail and to remind me that I need to get answers."

"Of course :)," Flynn replied, "But why didn't you ask Julie??"

"She's asleep."

"No, she's not. She just texted me saying one of you idiots knocked on her door and woke her up and asked if I wanted to get coffee with her."

"Hi! Idiot here :/."

"You are an idiot but wbk." Flynn texted, "Anyways, my dad wants me to get him coffee anyways, so he's letting me leave the house. I'll come pick you and Julie up ."

"O.K. works for me!"

"Not the O.K. <:( /lh."


"Extremely. /hj"

"Why'd I even ask you help me? /j"

"Because you have no other friends because you're a ghost."

"Point taken."

Alex smiled. He loved having another friend. There weren't many options since they couldn't be seen by lifers unless they played, but Flynn was still a great option. Suddenly, another text popped up on the flip phone.

"Thanks for waking me up jackass /s , lh." Flynn must've given Julie the number for the phone.

"Sorry I was having a gay breakdown."

"When are you not?" Julie sent. "Also, next time you have a gay breakdown, try to have it between the hours of 11AM and 11PM if you want my help./hj"

"Okay, but I'm meeting him 8AM, so 1AM to 7AM was the breakdown time."

"For what?"

"Idk Luke just told me he asked to meet me at the museum at 8AM. He's a morning person."


"One of his few flaws."

"Simp /lh."


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