Chapter 37: The Reveal

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Julie, Carrie, and Flynn walked over to Flynn's car, Carrie leaning on Flynn because she could barely muster up enough strength of her own to stand. As soon as Julie had tied up the demon, it disappeared. They had no idea where it went, but at least they were safe at least for that moment. Julie looked on with pity seeing Carrie this way. They may have had their breakup, but they still grew up together, and Julie would never want to see her broken like this. Carrie got into the backseat of the car, and Julie went to sit with her, knowing that Carrie couldn't be alone at a time like this. Flynn drove the three of them to Julie's garage as Julie and Flynn both kept turning to check on Carrie every couple of seconds. They didn't know what they could do or say to make it better. A moment like this was something no one could cover up, not even someone who's been able to wear a mask her entire life. They pulled into the driveway as Flynn opened Carrie's door offering to help her out.

"I'm fine," Carrie whispered, speaking for the first time since she was attacked. Flynn continued to offer her hand. "I SAID I'M FINE!" Carrie yelled, finally snapping. Flynn stepped aside, letting Carrie get out of the car on her own as she fixed herself. This was the walled Carrie they knew. Julie ran ahead as Carrie and Flynn walked behind, Julie hurrying to make sure the guys cleared out before they got there.

"Luke! Reggie!" Julie whisper yelled at the still sleeping boys.

"Mom, I don't want to get up for school," Reggie said, still unsure of his surroundings from sleep.

"What time is it?" Luke asked.

"Time for you two to clear out. Carrie is coming over, and she's really upset, and we owe her at least the privacy of it being just her, Flynn, and I."

"You interrupted our cuddling I was really comfortable," Reggie said with a slight pout as Luke kissed him on the cheek.

"Just be gross and gay somewhere else, okay?" And with that, Luke and Reggie poofed out of the studio. Flynn and Carrie walked through the doors moments later.

"You really could've left the door open. We were right behind you, dumbass," Carrie commented.

"So, I see you're feeling better." Julie rolled her eyes.

"Carrie, cut the shit. You're allowed to be freaked out," Flynn said, motioning to Carrie to sit down on the couch. Carrie didn't accept, but Flynn went to sit on the couch anyways.

"I'm fine. Weird shit happens to me all the time. My best friend turning into a demon? Perfectly normal! I'm fine," Carrie said, with a hint of sarcasm and fear in her voice.

"Wait, that was Kayla?" Julie asked, shocked.

"Yeah, but it's whatever. She just got really pissed that I wasn't into her, so she turned into a demon."

"I guess we found one of the demons," Flynn said.

"Wait, so you knew about people just spontaneously turning into demons?" Carrie said, running over to Flynn.

"Uh what? No, I didn't say anything about that," Flynn chuckled, trying to pass it off.

"Flynn," Julie said, "she's part of all this shit now. She deserves to know at least something about what's going on."

"What the fuck do you know, Molina?" Carrie said, looking frustrated.

"Yeah, it may be time to take me up on this offer and sit down," Flynn said, tapping the seat next to her. Carrie agreed and sat down next to Flynn.

"Okay, so the guys in my band, they aren't holograms, they're ghosts."

Carrie interrupted, "Yes! I knew something was off about your band! Shit wasn't adding up."

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