Chapter 30: The Confession

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Luke stood in front of the Orpheum. He did that a lot, whether it was alone or with Alex and Reggie. It was a night he would never forget, both the night they died, and the night they played with Julie. This was never the life he envisioned for himself, but it could be worse. Although, right now, he wished to be anyone else doing anything else. He hated all the drama and all the crap that has been going on. Suddenly, Willie appeared next to him.

"SHIT! I didn't expect to see you here!" Luke said, slightly jumping back.

"Wow Luke, happy to see you too," Willie said sarcastically. They both laughed slightly. Luke wasn't sure if he should be talking to Willie, but the bottom line was that he had no one else to talk to, so he just let the conversation go on as if nothing had happened.

"So, what are you doing here?" Luke asked.

"I'm doing a tour of all the places that mean a lot to Alex and I just to hurt my own feelings."

"Wow, I'm really starting to hate you," Luke said, trying to make it sound as lighthearted as possible.

"Why?" Willie asked, not knowing if he should laugh or be offended.

"Because you could literally just go tell him you love him and have an actual discussion with him, and you could fix everything."

"Okay pointing Spiderman meme."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"It means you're calling me out when you literally are doing the same thing with Reggie."

"But the meme...." Luke said, confused.

"Yes, it was cringey, but I was trying to make a joke, but you don't even know what I'm referencing?"

"Not a clue."

"Wow, you guys really need to get online more." Willie laughed as he put his hands in his pockets, messing with the interior mesh of his jacket pocket when suddenly a thin white circular plastic piece fell out. Luke bent down to grab it, but Willie quickly cut him off and grabbed it from him, burying it in his hand.

"What is that?" Luke asked, pointing to the hand that the item was in, as Willie tries to put the hand behind his back.

"Nothing," Willie said, visibly nervous as Luke asked him that. "Anyways, do you guys even go on the internet?"

"What's in your hand, Willie?" Luke asked again. Willie looked visibly annoyed. "I'm sorry it's just that I can't stop thinking about it. I have to know."

"Luke, really it's nothing. Not even worth mentioning."

Luke let out a fake gasp. "Hey Alex, didn't know you were gonna be here."

Willie rolled his eyes. "Did you really think that was gonna work?"

Luke snatched the bracelet from his hand, "Yeah, all I had to get you to do was think a little bit about Alex, and your guard would be completely down. Damn you're a simp."

"At least I dated the guy I simp over."

"Well, you don't gotta be so mean about it," Luke said with a playfully sad face. He looked down at the white band that was in his hands.

"It's a hospital wristband. Was it yours?"

"Yeah. When I woke up as a ghost, it was still on my wrist," Willie replied, "Full hospital gown and everything. Now give me it back!" Willie lunged after the wristband as Luke turned away, causing Willie to stumble over.

Luke turned the wristband to see the identification information. "John Doe?" he asked, "Your name isn't even Willie? Is this why you didn't what me to see this?"

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