Chapter 26: The Club

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Willie responded, "I've seen her before, and I'm sure it's her. Maybe her a few years in the future but still her."

Alex spoke to Willie. This was too important to ignore him for, but he still didn't look in his direction. "Which one?" he said coldly.

Willie paused before he spoke to absorb the blow Alex's response gave. He pointed his finger at the picture, "Her. I know her." He was pointing to Julie's mom.

"Hello? Are you guys still here?" Flynn said, confused as to why she hadn't heard anything from them in a while.

Alex grabbed his whiteboard and began to tell Flynn what Willie told them. He figured if he were the one translating, he'd have to say less to Willie. "Willie has seen Julie's mom?"

Flynn sighed, heartbroken by the news, "Which means she's a ghost, so she didn't cross over."

Luke realized what Alex was trying to do, so Luke asked the next question, "Where did you see her?" Alex started to write down everything that was said as a dialogue.

"At the Hollywood Ghost Club. She was playing piano during one of the performances. I remembered her because the band doesn't change very much, and she was new in it. A couple of months ago, I think. I haven't been back since the night you played at the Orpheum, and I'm still surprised he hasn't come after me."

After reading what Willie said, Flynn replied, "Well, I guess that means we're going to the Hollywood Ghost Club!" She smiled wide just thinking about the possible fun and intrigue of a "ghost club."

Alex erased what he had written previously and wrote, "No, it's way too dangerous I don't want you to get hurt. Who knows what Caleb will do to you when he realizes you're a lifer connected to us."

"Okay, thanks for your 'concern' but I can handle myself. Plus, I am the only one that Ms. Rose knows out of all of us, so she's most likely to trust and listen to me," Flynn replied, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Alex, she has a point," Willie said softly.

Alex sighed, "Shut up. I wasn't talking to you, stay out of this. I'm being honest about how I feel in this situation, which is not your strong suit, so maybe you should just sit this part out." He wrote again on his whiteboard, "Understood, but I just want you to stay safe. We love you too much to see you get hurt." He angled it slightly to make sure Willie saw the word "love."

"C'mon please. If anything goes south, I'll run like hell I swear."

"You know she's just gonna follow us or try to find out what it is for herself later, so why don't we just take her so at least we know she's safe with us," Luke said to Alex, still not looking in his direction, which had been their pattern since Flynn arrived.

"That makes sense," Alex said, "Wow, I just love it when people can put how they feel about something into words." After the snide remark, Alex wrote on his board, "Okay fine, you can come."

Flynn smiled, "I knew I'd break you."

Willie wrote down the address for the Hollywood Ghost Club on his whiteboard, and Flynn looked it up on her phone.

Flynn was sightly shocked. "I've driven by this place like 100 times, and I never knew it was a ghost club? Wow, I can't even believe it. The fun I could have been having but no it's for the rich. Man, fuck rich people, eat the rich." Flynn paused then continued, "Okay, so I'll just drive myself there, and you will meet me there. Waze says it will take 10 minutes, so be there in 8 because speed limits are for bitches."

Luke wrote on his board, "Still traumatized from the three times you drove me, so I am NOT going with you, sorry. And maybe you should stick to the speed limits before you almost crash your car for the 30th time this week."

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