Chapter 14: The Concert

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Flynn was about to go into the club when she paused for a minute. Am I really doing this? She thought to herself as she stood in front of the clear doors to the venue. She was supposed to be her enemy, her best friend's ex. So, why did she feel so drawn to the concert that night? There was something else there, she just needed to figure out what. Flynn took a deep breath then opened the door.

She entered the small club. Most of the tables were filled though; Dirty Candi had created a solid following. There was a stage with lights set up in the front, and Flynn went to go find a seat before the performance. She saw Nick sitting alone at a table and decided to join him, since he was one of the only people she knew there.

"Hey! I didn't think I'd see you here!" Flynn said.

Nick looked at her in shock, "Uhhh since when do you go to Carrie's concerts? I thought you hated her."

"Yeah let's not judge me. She's literally your ex who you broke up with because she was too 'dramatic' and now you're at her show?" Flynn paused, "Are you guys getting back together or something?"

"No," Nick chuckled, "That ship has sailed. It shouldn't have even happened in the first place. She really wouldn't want me back anyways. She likes someone else now."

Flynn smiled to herself, "Really?" Flynn resisted the temptation of asking him if he knew who it was because she really didn't know what she'd do if it was her, or if it was anyone other than her as well. "Anyways, I'm just here to scope it out for Julie and the Phantoms. They were thinking of performing here, so I came to check out the acoustics and all that."

"The Orpheum to here? That's kind of a jump down, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess. But they wanted the whole club scene thing, y'know?" said Flynn, "Very alternative." 2 for 2 on good made-up scenarios today? Good work Flynn, good work. She thought to herself.

The lights went down, signifying that the performance was about to begin. A single spotlight came on, and it was shining on Carrie. She was in her signature Dirty Candi look: her pink wig and her pink outfit, which was a jumpsuit with a sparkly cropped jacket today. The crowd cheered as Carrie stood there, soaking it in before she began. Carrie tried to look unfazed by the applause, but Flynn could see a smile forming at the corner of her mouth. Carrie was truly in her element. The performance began with the same bubbly choreography and self-glorifying song that were Dirty Candi's trademarks. Flynn had never been a huge fan of their bubblegum pop personas, right down to the neon colors and wigs, but she had always loved seeing them perform. The group was extremely talented, nailing every step of the choreography in perfect sync. However, tonight, the only person she could watch was Carrie. Flynn looked on as Carrie strutted across the stage and sang her heart out like a true professional. Watching Carrie feeling the music and being genuinely happy made her feel.... well, she wasn't quite sure, but it was new for her and Carrie.

They did a couple of songs, then the performance was over. Carrie and the rest of Dirty Candi walked off the stage and began to talk to the people in the audience. Do I go over and talk to her? Flynn asked herself. She wasn't sure how Carrie would react to seeing her, and she really did not want to make a scene in front of all the people there. So, she just sat back and waited to see if she'd come over to her. Yeah, make her make the next move, I already showed up to the concert, Flynn concluded.

Kayla came over to Flynn and Nick's table before Carrie had the chance to.

"Hi Nick!" she said as she approached the table, "Flynn? What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be caught dead at one of our shows."

"Where did you get that impression from?" Flynn asked with a smile.

"You literally said that" Kayla retorted jokingly but still confused.

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