ni-ki kawaii

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Ni-ki on the other hand , was also glancing to Shaira from time to time but he was just making it not so obvious .

He doesn't know what happened to him that he had the courage to talk to the girl first . He was a bit hesitant to talk to her since the day they first worked together and didn't even get a chance to level up and became "friends".

Ni-ki keeps thinking about the cemetery incident that the girl saw him crying and it's embarrassing for him . He thought that the girl would think that he's weird or something .

But earlier he made a move and talked to her first . He was nervous of course but he just kept it cool so it won't be awkward . He doesn't want to embarrass himself anymore . The cemetery one was the last one .. he thinks .

Anyways , as of now .. he was enjoying the moment he had here . He's vibing to the hip-hop music that was playing . He couldn't stop himself from dancing . He really love to dance .

He was dancing to a song when some hands had pushed him to the center .

"oh so here's a new challenger"

said the MC while Ni-ki doesn't know why he's here at the center

"what's your name kid ?"

"umm .. I'm Ni-ki "

The crowd cheered for him .. Some even shouting out his name and some are clapping their hands . He didn't know what's going on when suddenly the MC speaks .

"so you are going to do a dance battle with our very own Kei"

He was gesturing to a sweaty boy whom he had seen earlier with great moves

"W-what ?! I'm not "

Ni-ki defended himself but his heart wants to do the dance battle that they're saying .

"C'mon don't be shy .. we'll take it short "

He didn't complained more and just nodded to them . He positioned himself at the center as the music starts .

He felt people cheering for him as he grooves with the music . Many claps are heard and loud shouts of his name . It's so nice to hear people are appreciating your talent .

Ni-ki just allow his body to move as one with the song .

He doesn't care if many people are staring at him right now .. All he could feel was happiness .

He really love dancing but couldn't show it off to other people because he's so shy . He's afraid people might don't like it . He was not confident . He just dances all alone or sometimes in front of his best friends , Sunoo and Jungwon .. his main supporters .

This feeling was so new to him . Having people to admire you because you're good . Well , he knew he was good but shy to show off his true self because he doesn't want rejections . But now , he's so happy that people are appreciating his talent .. and that's what he really wanted . If only he did this a long time ago and was not discouraged, maybe he felt the happiness that he's feeling right now . Because he is the happiest when he dance  .

His dance battle with the man they called Kei had finished  . Kei walks to him and puts his arms over the younger's shoulder and smiled at him brightly .

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