Chapter 16

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I had been running for a good 30 minutes but had to stop due to my lack for breathe. I take a seat by the nearest tree and use this chance to take in my surroundings. Even though it was dark I could tell I was lost, this part of the forest was new to me. I figure I should try and get some sleep so go to take my backpacks off but before I do so I get a very bad feeling. I frantically looking for any sign of a threat but don't come across anything, yet the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up like they know something I don't. Then out of no where I spear comes soaring through the air plunging itself into my stomach. I crumble to my knees as I look down at my stomach that now has a spear sticking out of it along with black blood seeping from the wound. My vision starts to go in and out while my body gets weaker with every passing second. To frail to keep myself awake I end up passing out from the amount of blood lost.

I'm awaken to the sound of a door shutting, I open my eyes but quickly shut them again due to the harsh lighting. I slowly reopen them allowing myself to get adjusted. Once my eyes are fully open I can clearly see I'm in a big cozy looking room. The harsh light that blinded me when I first woke up seems to be the sun rays pouring in from the windows. I go to sit up but I'm stopped my a sharp pain rippling through my body. The memories of what happened before I passed out start flooding my brain. I glance down at my stomach expecting to find a spear sticking out but come to find there's no spear instead there's bandages wrapping my wounded area. Before I'm able to asks myself anything the door to the room I'm in open and closes followed by a series of light footsteps. I whip my head around to see who just entered and I'm met with a girl in grounder clothing her long brown hair his let down with a sequence of small braids spread throughout. (Anya doesn't exist in this book so Lexa is commander.)

"Ah good you're awake." She says while walking closer to me.

"Where am I?"

"Polis." She states like I should have known that already. She sits down next to me but I don't move not being at all scared of her.

"Why am I here?"

"You're a nightblood." I start getting fed up with her brief and confusing answers so I speak up.

"Can you stop with these answers that tell me nothing and explain to me what the hell is going on?" She glares for a while before breaking out in a small laugh. I keep a straight face the whole time in which she seems to notice.

"You don't scare easily do you?" I shake my head side to side in response.

"Well you see my name is Lexa, I am the commander or what you people call it "leader" of the grounders. My people and I have taken much interest in you even before I was aware that you are a nightblood. But before I tell you anymore about my people I need you to make a decision." Lexa gets up and walks to the balcony I failed to see when I first woke up.

"And what would the decision be?" I question while walking up to stand next to her.

"You have 2 options. One being you can stay here, be my second and take my place if you win the conclave when I die. Two being you can leave and go back to the sky people." She explains as she looks forward observing the town below.

"What happens if I choose option one?" I ask.

"I will train you everyday to not only be warrior but how to lead, I will also teach you our language. You no longer will be apart of the sky people, you will become trikru. My people will be your people. When I die and if you win the conclave you will take over as commander and lead the 12 clans." She says but this time looking over at me to see my reaction.

"What's the conclave?"

"It's a fight to the death between the other nightbloods. Nightbloods are the only ones who can be truly be commander." Lexa states. I nod signaling I understand. She tears her gaze away from me and turns it to the city below once again. Many thoughts race through my head as I consider my options. Most of them are about what will happen to Octavia and everyone if I take option one. The images of Bellamy cheating on me then floats into my head causing me to say, "I'll do it. I want option one," with no hesitation what so ever. She smiles pleased with my answer and signals me to follow her as she walks back into the room. I swiftly follow behind while more questions seem to find their way into my head.

Lexa starts to explain everything I need to know ranging from who the 12 are to tiny details about now our people, she turns to the closet and proceeds to pick out a acceptable outfit for me to wear.

"Why did everyone take so much interest in me when I was with the sky people." Lexas attention stays on the closet but answered my question by saying, "The ones I had watch your camp saw how much potential you had so they came and told me about it. I had to see for myself so I made my way down to the camp and watched you. I saw exactly what they told me and more. You're naturally a brilliant leader and strong soul, you being a nightblood is only a bonus. Everyone soon saw how good of a commander you would make and word spread, practically everyone knows who you are. Soon they will know you are also a nightblood along with my second and most likely the next commander." She clarifies while taking a glance back at me and smiling. I return the smile and nod showing her I understand.

"But of course there will be some people who don't like you being here. You're now one of us, if someone goes against you they go against all of us." She finishes.

"Get ready Y/n, we have a meeting with the clans." Lexa says before tossing clothes at me and walking out of my room. (Imagine a badass grounder outfit😁)

*finished editing*

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