Making Up and Making Out

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Jacob P.O.V.

I can't believe what just happened. I mean she came on to me. She kissed me. But I kissed her back. And Mya caught us. I think I broke her heart. It doesn't matter cuz she doesn't like me....right?

"Come on Jacob. Kiss me again.", she said while rubbing my back.

"Get away from me!", I yelled.

"What the hell Jacob! You weren't saying that when you were kissing me!", she yelled.

I didn't answer because she was right. Instead I turned my heels and exited her room, down the spiral staircase and out the door.

I stood in front of Mya's house. The door was unlocked. I walked inside and quickly up the stairs. I went in Mya's room and heard sobbing. I walked towards the noise. It was in her bathroom.

"Mya?", I called.

The sobbing continued.

"Stay away!", she screamed.

"Mya please. Can we talk?"

I walked into the bathroom and immediately restrained my tears from falling. She's done it again.

She looked up at me. Her eyes tear stained.

Her arm was bleeding rapidly an the blade was on the floor. Blood was all around her and she clutched her arm. I knelt down next to her.

"Mya. No baby. Why? Don't hurt yourself please.", I begged.

She didn't answer me but a look of pure hatred of me was shown plain in her face.

I went back in her room and took a rag. I put some cold water on it and went back to Mya.

"Can I have your arm please?", I asked choking on my tears.

She acted like she didn't hear me and clutched her arm, looking in the opposite direction.

I waited for her to answer but when she didn't I grabbed her arm and began to wipe the blood. I did the same routine until her arm was most nearly clean. I grabbed some gauze from the bathroom cabinet and wrapped it around her arm.

I took her in my arms and carried her to her bed. Luckily she didn't put up a fight. As I laid her in bed I needed to talk to her.

"Mya...about what happened-

"I don't want to talk about it.", she croaked.

"Listen Mya. It wasn't my fault. She led me on and-

"I don't give a crap if she led you on Jacob.", she said.

"Come on Mya. Stop being so stubborn. Why do you care? You don't even like me and were not even together. Also-

"What do you mean Jacob? I do like you.", she said pleadingly.

"But when I kissed you, you said never to talk about it again.", I said getting slightly confused.

"Yea because it was sudden. I was scared to admit my feelings to you.", she said.

"How do you think I felt? I just wanted to go for it. To lay down my feelings for you. And to find out you didn't feel the same way....that broke me.", I said.

"Well I see you moved on.", she said angrily.

"I told you. She led me on! She asked me if she had something in her mouth, she opened it, I looked inside, and next thing you know...she kissed me! And I sorta uh kissed back."

"Jacob you should have known how I felt about you!"

"How am I suppose to know how you feel inside everyday and every night? I'm not a mind reader! Why are girls so complicated?"

She didn't answer. Instead she laughed which puzzled me.

"Why are you laughing?", I asked.

"Because it's true. We are complicated. And um I'm really sorry Jacob. I should've told you my feelings earlier.", she said looking down.

I took her chin and faced her with me, making sure we made complete eye contact.

"It's ok. I should've known."

With that I couldn't help it. As I was gazing into her beautiful brown eyes, I got lost in them. I kissed her. I kissed her so passionately that she kissed back. I felt as if our emotions were pouring out into each other. I felt and energy like no other before. I don't know what it was but this was the only type of connection I felt with anyone before. And I liked it.

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