Stop Defending Me

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Mya P.O.V.

I woke up early awakened by my

Computer beeping. I didn't even know it could do that. I probably had notifications. I opened it and ZBlog popped up. I had about 20 reply comments. I opened it and people were sending me hate comments such as:

@samanthagoddes:"Your terrible. I bet your the girl that he's talking about. He's so sweet. Personally he could do so much better than you.

@gladiatorqueen: "that's so mean. Your just a hater."

@xoxofabiola: "bitch shut the fuck up! Can't you see he's trying to get you back!"

Those were just some of the comments. Why are they attacking me! I'm not the bad guy.

I scrolled through the mail and saw that Jacob commented several times:

"Leave her alone!"

"Leave my baby alone"

He said more to people and telling them to leave me alone. I commented:

"I don't need you to fight my battles. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. @princeton."

I closed the laptop and sighed. I don't need him. He needs to stop intervening with my problems. It's none of his damn business.

Jacob P.O.V.

My computer beeped. I opened it to ZBlog to see a reply from Mya. I lightened up. I opened it and frowned at what she said.

"I don't need you to fight my battles. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. @princeton."

I realized that my attempts don't work. That disheartened me. I've been writing that poem throughout our relationship. I wrote about the bad I did and what I tried to do to get her back.

She didn't appreciate it. I wish she'd just listen and stop being stubborn. I didn't know what else to do. I don't know what else to try. But when you love someone, you'd do anything to get them back. Anything.....

I adjusted my webcam and sat on my chair. I wanted to be subtle and make sure Mya wouldn't get anymore hate from my followers.

I began to speak:

"Hi guys. Listen. She's right. It's none of your business to intervene and send her hate comments. Please don't. Please let her be because I understand what she means. Thanks.", I said, hoping that would stop the hate.

I sighed.

I picked up my phone and dialed Mya's number. It rang five times before she picked up.

"What?", she asked rudely.

"Can we talk?", I asked her.

"Make it quick."

"Listen Mya. I know I've hurt you-

"Oh you've done more than hurt me. You basically killed me in a way."

"Mya can I please just talk without you interrupting me?"

She sighed. "Fine."

"Listen Mya. It pains me. I don't think you understand how it feels to live everyday without the person you love-

"I do.", she interrupted.

"I asked you to please not-

What do you mean you do?", I asked.

I knew it. I knew she felt the same way! I knew she loved me too!

"My mom.", she said plainly.

I was silent. My heart shattered. Before I got out of my head and into reality I suddenly realized why she said.

"Wait. What do you mean your mom?", I asked.

There was no answer. There was no breathing either. She hung up on me.

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