Not Just Me...A New Beginning For Children

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Mya P.O.V.

The past few days I cried. I guess I wasn't as strong as j thought myself to be. I barely ate and I was alone. My mom wasn't here. I couldn't call her because she had my phone. It's a sad thing I don't know her number so I can't call her by the house phone.

I went outside and saw that I had mail. I picked it up and went inside. I browsed through them.

One was for my mom-bills.

More bills and more. I sighed.

I went into the last mail and I saw that it was an invite with my name on it. I opened it with excitement. I've been so secluded these past days that I needed some communication. Inside was a letter. This is what it said:

Dear Miss Mya Sherill,

We ask if you would volunteer at a speaking we have for children. These particular children have needs and we ask if you could help them. We believe you would be able to help children and understand them better.

At Oak Grove Center-

5:00 p.m.

April 22nd, 2012


Phillip Jones

I read the letter 3 times. Why would someone send me a letter? Out of all I'm not well known. I didn't contribute to anything. It's weird. Maybe it was a prank.

I would still go. Maybe it was for a good cause.

Next Day

I woke up at 4:00 pm.

"Shit I overslept!", I yelled.

I tossed the cover off of myself and ran into the shower.

After about 20 mins I ran out. I hurried on to get my clothes.

I simply put on blue jeans, and a grey shirt with grey J's.

I ran out the house with 10 mins to spare. I checked the address and realized that the place was three blocks away. Just my luck huh? I grabbed my bike from the garage and rode down the street as fast as I could.

I was panting as I walked inside the center.

"Hi um I'm Mya. Mya Sherill. I had a uh invite uh telling me to uh be here and uh-

"Do you need some water m'am?", asked the receptionist.

I nodded. She poured me a glass and I drank wildly. I caught my breath.

"Thank you. Um I had an invite telling me to volunteer for children with needs.", I said.

Now that I said that I didn't know what special needs I was dealing with. I guess I'd find out soon.

"Ok can I see your papers?", she asked me.

"Papers? I don't have an ID.", I said.

"No. I mean the letter you got.", she said.

"Oh. Oh ok."

I reached into my pocket and handed her the drenched paper. She looked disgusted.

"Sorry uh I was late, had to ride my bike, uh sorry for the sweat."

"That's fine. Um the door is that way.", she pointed.


I grew nervous. I walked through the door she pointed and walked inside.

"Ah. You must be Mya. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Mr. Jones but you can call me Phillip.", he said.

I looked around the room to see at least 12 children. All of them had they're heads down. Most appeared to be crying.

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