Good and Bad

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Mya P.O.V.

I spent the weekend starving myself. I didn't even talk to my mom. I didn't even check to see if she was here. I didn't eat after the incident. I didn't cry after the incident. I didn't know what to do. Half of my anger was put out on Justin and Jade but the other half was burning inside of me. I had an idea but thought against it. Until I couldn't take the anger anymore. I took a blade from the bathroom cabinet and put it against my wrist. I sucked in my breath and cut myself deeply. I screamed and drew in more breath. After the pain subsided, an amazing sensation filled me. I felt free. I began to make even deeper cuts as blood tricked down my arm and onto the floor. After that session I took a cold shower to rid of the pain. Who knew cutting would be amazing? Most of the pain didn't go away but I slept on it.

Justin P.O.V.

She hit me pretty hard. She has so much strength in that little body of hers. I can't believe I hurt her like that. And she didn't even cry. It must have taken a lot of strength to do that. Jade left afterward. This is why happened:

After Mya left Jade began to run her head saying she had 'important business'. I don't know what it was but I didn't care. I just wanted Mya. What I did was wrong but I'm a guy. I know right. No excuses. But damn Jade was just......

'Stop Justin', I said to myself. I didn't know how to fix this but I decided to sleep on it.

Jade P.O.V.

I had it. I had footage. I was walking over to my friend Chyna's house with the footage in my hand. I opened the door.

"I'm home!", I yelled. I go here all the time so it's like a home to me.

"Upstairs!", said Chyna. I ran upstairs into Chyna's room.

"Good News", I said excitedly.

"Ooh spill!", said an excited Chyna.

"Well um ok so like I was at Justin's and like we um-

"What?!", she interrupted.

"Like we kind of had sex and-

"Oh my gosh Jade! How was it?!", she squealed.

"Chyna it's like not the first time ok.", I said blushing, "Anyways that's not the important part. The important part is that I have evidence and were going to ruin Mya forever."

Her face fell.

"What's wrong?", I asked as I noticed we expression.

"Listen.....Jade. Why does everything we do revolve around Mya? Remember when it was just us? We got mani-pedis and hung out a lot. I mean I don't like Mya either but who cares about her? Can't you just like leave her alone?", she said.

I got mad.

"What do you mean Chyna? We're in this together whether you like it or not. We're supposed to be best friends and your turning on me. That is so not cool.", I said.

"It doesn't mean we're not friends Jade! Listen to me. I'm tired of being the bully and bullying someone because of they're race. Think about it. Empathize with Mya and be in her shows. I've had an awful lot to think about and bullying her is like so not cool.", she said.

I gasped.

"So what your just freaking leaving me? I have to bully her in my own?"

"Jade you don't understand. You don't need to bully her. Just leave her alone!", she pleaded.

I laughed.

"I can't believe this. Fine. Fine. You don't want to be my friend. Fuck you then!", I yelled and left.

I turned around hoping she's run after me like always. She didn't.

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