The Invitation

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Mya P.O.V.

I woke up pretty early. I decided to go on Instagram to past the time. I reached for my phone on my bedside table but it wasn't there. I had a mini-heart attack. I searched everywhere for it. After a thorough search I then recounted yesterday's events and remembered my mom said she'd confiscate it. I reluctantly got up and did my daily routine. I went downstairs to see my mom there.

"Good morning.", I said glumly.

"Morning.", she said.

"Can I have my phone back?", I said rather rudely.

"No your grounded remember.", she said.

"What if I'm lost in a desert on my way back home. How can I call anyone?", I said desperately.

"I doubt you'll get lost in a desert in Miami. Anyways I already have that worked out for you.", she said.

She went into the living room and took something. She had something behind her back and walked up to me.

"Here.", she said.

She gave me the house phone.

"What the hell mom!", I yelled.

She had a shocked expression.

"Excuse you.", she said quietly.

"What the hell is this?! That's embarrassing!", I yelled.

"I don't care what's embarrassing to you. Your grounded for an extra two weeks until you learn manners and when to come home.", she said sternly.

"Ugh you always do this! Why are you so strict. If dad-

"Don't you ever mention your dad to me. I only want the best for-

"Whatever mom.", I interrupted.

I began to walk away and slammed the door in the process. I shouldn't have mentioned my dad but my mom got on my nerves. Ever since he hit her she's been really sensitive on the subject. I didn't know where my dad was but I didn't care. I put the house phone in my book bag and continued to walk to school. I began thinking about Justin. He was the only one that made me happy in such a long time. The way his eyes made me melt and how his hair flopped the right way on his head. The way his arm around me made me melt. I really wanted to see him again. I was too busy thinking about Justin that I didn't realize I was in front of my school. Then someone shoved me.

"Hey watch where your going!", I yelled.

I noticed him to be a boy with a huge Afro. He appeared to be almost my skin color.

"S-S-Sorry!", he said. I noticed he had a slight Mexican accent.

"Hey are you new here!", I said.

He didn't seem to hear me because he walked inside the school.

"Weird.", I mumbled. He must have been new because I've never seen him before. I would've known if there was another black guy in the school. I walked over to one of the picnic tables and sat down. I didn't want to go inside to meet the same fate of yesterday's events. I opened my book.

I was reading 'Mockingjay'. The last book of the Hunger Games Series. It's an amazing book. I wish I was Katniss. She was so brave. Anyways I was immersed in the book when suddenly I heard someone call me name. I looked up. I saw Justin. He was riding his skateboard. He looked at me.

"Hey Mya.", he called.

I closed me book and brakes on his board. I put my book in my bag and he walked up to me.

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