Kissing Games

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Jacob P.O.V.

Today was Monday. I needed to go back to school today as I was pretty sure Mya was coming back toda. I know I haven't been acting mature lately but that was all gonna change. I need to be the man my mom raised me to be. This is a new beginning for me. I need to stick up for what I feel is right. Even though Mya doesn't want me, I'd still protect her from harm like she was mine. Yesterday was a dull day so I was excited to go back to school today. I did my daily hygiene and went downstairs. I grabbed a piece of toast and headed out the door.

I stood outside the school. It felt like the first day for me and I didn't know what was going to happen. I entered immediately and spotted Jasmine talking to who appeared to be.....Diamond? I walked up to them.

"So Jasmine. You gave her my address?", I said

"Hi Jacob. Finally you come back to school. And yes I did give Diamond your address so she can break you guys up.", she said.

Diamond was grinning.

I wanted to punch both of them but I couldn't hit a female.

"Really? So you sent we over to have sex with me?", I asked.

"You had sex with him?!", she semi-yelled at Diamond.

Diamond seemed at a lost for words.

"I told you not to try anything.", Jasmine seethed.

I walked away before anything could happen.

I spotted Mya at her locker. I thought about approaching her but thought against it. I needed to take things slow. I was only gonna protect her against harm so I could win back her heart.

Mya P.O.V.

I was at my locker. I was so tired. I had an hour of sleep. An hour! I was up all night thinking about Jacob. I don't know. Ugh. We just have this bond. I try to forget about him but he always comes back and charms me and I just can't take it. I was sleepless last night. I almost fell asleep right now but I caught myself.

"Oh so the nigger's back. Or should I say....the nigger's black.", Jasmine laughed.

I closed my locker.

"Listen Jasmine. I'm tired of the bullcrap you think you can give to me. I'm tired of hearing your annoying ass voice and looking at you. Now I'm late to class and I need to go. So if you don't-

I felt several jewelry collide to my face considering the many rings she had on. I fell to the floor.

"Leave her alone.", he said.

I looked up from my throbbing nose. I saw Jacob stop Jasmine from issuing another throw at me. She walked away. He offered me his hand but I rejected it.

"Are you okay?", he asked me.

"Yes but I can fight my own battles just so you know.", I said rudely and walked away.

I avoided class and went into the bathroom. I washed my nose which was painful to the touch. To be honest, I was extremely grateful Jacob was there. I just couldn't act like it. You might not understand though. I just don't want to get him too close. Now he's fighting my battles, next thing he's gonna think its okay to kiss me. I just don't want him too close to me. He's trouble. I was about 15 minutes late for first period. It was science. God I hate that class. I walked inside to see everyone staring blankly at there text books.

"Mya. Your late. Detention. Open your textbook to page 208. I have a lot of work for you to do. Right now your grade is a D. You better work hard or I'll have to fail you.", said Mr. Daniels bluntly.

The Color of My Skin (A Princeton Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang