The Assembly

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Mya P.O.V.

I woke up excited but a little fearful of what would happen. I did my daily hygiene routine as always and only ate a banana. I grabbed my bag and waited on the porch for Jacob.

I saw a silhouette walk up the street and made out the big Afro.

I began to walk towards him.

"Ready?", he asked.

"Yea.", I said.

We were in front of Hollandale High. I was scared like crazy.

"Jacob, what exactly are we doing?", I asked him when it came to mind.

"Oh um that. Ok well were having our second assembly today so I asked him if we could make an announcement and he agreed.", he said.

"WHAT?!", I yelled.

"Shh. Bring down your voice Mya."

"No I will not. You did not tell me your little plan Jacob. Sorry I can't do this. Bye.", I said walking away.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Listen Mya. I won't let you go because I'm not doing this alone. Your with me okay. Of concerns both of us and if we want change made ten we have to earn it.", he said.

"Ok.", I mumbled.

I didn't realize how much I was shaking until Jacob gripped my hand firmly.

When school started everyone filed into the gym for assembly. The principal made announcements of soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball, football, and cheer leading tryouts. After that the team captains handed out flyers to everyone. We had demonstrations on how to be safe in school and safely drills. After that the principal came forth again.

"Now everyone. Before class starts we have three more people who would like to speak.

First is Miss Jade Frey. Applause broke out from the stands and I got more nervous by the second. Jade wheeled in a TV and spoke into the microphone.

"Hello everyone. As you must know my name is Jade. I have some interesting footage right here on this television. Please enjoy."

The lights dimmed and Jade turned on the TV. I didn't know what was going on until I heard several gasps. When I focused my full attention on the TV I gasped too. It was repulsive and disgusting. I don't know why she showed footage of her and Justin having sex.

"That's enough Miss Frey!", boomed the principal.

Jade turned off the TV and grabbed the microphone again.

Everyone stared at her open-mouthed.

"As everyone can see, this video is not about me. It's about Mya."

Everyone turned to look at me.

"It's about Mya because many of you know that Justin has been dating her but its mistaken, because he clearly likes me." She said sniggering.

No applause, no laughter, not anything. Just pure shock and disgust. The smile left Jade's face when she saw all the open-mouthed faces in the gym.

"That's quite enough miss Frey. I think you have earned a months detention for that disturbing footage.", said the principal clearing his throat, "Anyways our last speakers today are Jacob and Mya."

It was time. Jacob and I walked from the stands. No one clapped. It was as dead as Jade's speech. I was shaking but Jacob had a firm grip on my arm.

"Hello everybody. My name is Jacob and his is uh Mya. We're h-here t-to talk ab-about uh uh-

I saw the microphone slipping from Jacob's hands. His nerves have gotten to him. I had to take over. I grabbed the sweaty microphone and wiped it, avoiding eye contact.

"Hi everyone. Listen I know I'm not your friend. I know I'm probably vermin that you'd like to step on. Why? Because I, well were black. Anyways were here to talk about bullying. Bullying is a major problem and I thinks it's stupid that everyone is bullying me for my race. As you saw from the previous speaker, she tried to blame her actions on me. Well I wasn't in the video acting like a slut. Please excuse my language. Also, honestly I don't care whether Justin cheated on me the first day we were dating because its his loss." , I saw Justin shrink and I laughed, "Why do you guys judge us. Have you been completely brain-washed to believe black people are animals? If you got to know us then is guarantee you'd like us. People commit suicide because of this. And look.", I rolled up my sleeves as everyone gasped, "Look! Look each and everyone of you. I cut myself. Am I proud? Probably. It's the only way of releasing the pain coursing inside of me. It's not so funny is it? When everyone laughs in the halls at you. Call you names. I'll tell you one thing. I'm not a nigger. And neither one of you is a cracker. Don't be offensive to me because I haven't done anything to you. It's a stupid thing how race determines your superiority. No. Is your character and personality that determines you. I've learned something too. I don't care anymore. I've learned something from myself just right now. I know I can be who I want and nothing anyone says can knock me down. I mean. We're in high school. Grow up! Do you guys know what empathy means? If you were in my shoes how would you feel? Ugly, horrible, gross, and even disgusting if you can imagine. Bullying is terrible and can lead to terrible things. Those that just watch and laugh are no better than the bullies. If you are being bullied like Jacob and I then don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. If your being bullied at home or somewhere else then don't be afraid. Jacob has taught me something and that's to being myself. Thank you.", I turned around to hand the microphone to the principal when an ear splitting applause broke out. I turned around and everyone was one their feet crying and clapping. Jade

stood there, mad as ever, and I noticed Justin had left but I didn't care. I heard whistles as the whole gym broke with applause. I smiled at Jacob and he did the same.

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