Stay Away

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Jacob P.O.V.

It happened after Spanish class. I was now driving home with Mya blabbering and giggling. She accomplished something alright. Here's what happened:

I walked out of Spanish class. Mya and I parted to go to our lockers. Kaitlyn's hand brushed up against my thigh and her hand pushed against my chest.

"Hey baby. I know that girl was bothering you before. Don't worry. I'm here.", she said whispering in my ear.

She licked my earlobe and I got chills.

"Stop! I have a girlfriend!", I said.

"I know. She's standing right here silly.", she laughed.

"Not you Kaitlyn! I'm done with you. I've been planning to break up with you every since I moved away from the ATL. Mya is my girlfriend. Leave me alone. Your way too clingy and annoying."

She laughed.

"Oh baby. Stop joking. You used to do that a lot. Seriously it's getting annoying.", she said.

"Kaitlyn listen I-

She backed me up against my locker. She fingered my chest. Then she fell clutching her face.

"Ow you bitch. I should've never gone out with you!", she yelled at me.

"What?! That wasn't me I-

"Stay away from my boyfriend!", said Mya.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. She gave me a look of utter disgust and burst out laughing. I was confused for a moment.

"Why did you punch her?", I laughed.

"She d-deserved it!", she said in between laughs.

"Besides.....I feel a power surging through my fists.", she said feeling her fists.

"Don't get ahead of yourself.", I said.

We climbed into my car and Mya continually laughed. And I joined along.

A/N-Short chappie. I'm sorry for not updated in like 3 days. Don't kill me.

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