Chapter 11: Surprise..?

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I woke up the next morning shaking and sweating. I had the same dream again.. that night. It always comes back to me. I looked at the clock 9 AM. I laid back down, I almost forgot that I was at the guys home. I reached on the nightstand which the note laid. I looked at it and thought. It couldn't be that bad if I do move in with them. I can just be myself when it comes to them.

I am just really worried about the fans, from what I've seen on twitter, they can be vicious. I didn't mean to offend them, I didn't want them to know that's how I felt anyway. I don't have the guts to check my twitter either now. They must've found me some how, and must be furious. Someone knocked on the door and came in. "C'mon get dressed! Quick, quick!" Harry yelled clapping his hands.

"Whyy?" I asked. "We're going to the recording studio! Surprise!" He yelled. I smiled big. "Yay! I've always wanted to go to one. Now shoo, get out." I waves him out and went to my suitcase to find something to wear. What if I see someone famous! Ha. Yeah, right.

I put on some hot pink short with a beige over the shoulder sweater. I curled my hair then put and hot pink bandana in as a headband. I grabbed my toms and went downstairs. I sat down at the table next to Niall. "You look pretty today." He said with his mouth full off pancake. I blushed, "Thanks." I grabbed an apple and ate it. "That's all you're gonna eat?" He asked. "Yeah, haven't been much of a big eater since-. Nevermind." I said getting up.

I threw away the core. "What happened?" He asked. "Nothing." I said quickly then went upstairs and brushed my teeth. I rinsed out my mouth and looked in the mirror, I felt as if I was forgetting something. Oh yes, my pills. I took my morning pill then headed back downstairs. "Hey Babe." Harry said coming out of his room. "Hi." I smiled. Everyone was waiting at the door. "Took you long enough, Harry." Louis said.

"Hey you can't expect me to wake up looking like this, can you?" He joked. I grabbed my purse and we sat in the car. I sat between Harry and Niall. "I can't wait for you to see the surprise!" Harry exclaimed. "Wait, there's another surprise..?" I asked confused. "Yeah, you think I'm just gonna surprise you with going to the studio?" He said. "Well.. Uh, yeah." I laughed. "Well, love. You thought wrong." He said patting my shoulder.

What else could it be? I actually had no clue. I sat quietly while the boys talked among themselves. I look in the rear view mirror a couple times and saw Liam looking at me. Can't he see that he already has a girlfriend, that he should love. I actually feel bad for Danielle, she thinks he cares for her. The thing I don't understand is why he hasn't broken up with her if he doesn't love her. Give the poor girl a break and tell her you don't feel the same way.

I know, I know. I just "beat the crap out of her yesterday". But I feel bad about doing that. I let my anger take over me. I shook my head just thinking about it. I must've look like a complete idiot hurting-. "Jackie, Hello? You alright? We're here ya know?" Harry said shaking me slightly. Everyone else was walking in. "Oh yeah, just thinking." I shrugged he helped me out of the car.

"What about?" He asked grabbing my hand. I smiled slightly. "It's nothing." I said. We walked in the boys were talking to some man. He led us into the recording room. Holy Sh-. "And this is Jackie." Niall said pointing to me. "Hello!" I said and waved. "Hello Im Wyatt, nice to meet you." He said shaking my hand. I smiled at him. Harry cleared his throat. "Should we begin?" Wyatt asked. "Begin what?" I asked. "Recording your song." Harry said.

"Wait. Your. Actually. Going. To. Record. My. Song?" I said excitedly. They all nodded. Harry gave my hand a squeeze and kissed my cheek. They walked into the booth and put headphones on. I sat next to Wyatt and put on headphones too. "So, are you and Mr. Styles dating?" He asked pressing buttons. "Uh, no. We're just friends." I said awkwardly. "Really? He seems pretty happy and comfortable with you." He laughed.

"Well, just friends." I also laughed. "Let's see how long that's lasts. Mr. Styles has that charm that can capture beautiful young ladies, like yourself." He said looking at me. Wyatt was an older guy maybe in his 40's. "Well, thanks." I said. "You wrote this song.. Correct?" He asked. I nodded. "Well let's see how it is." The piano started and Liam began.

I never really noticed how beautiful all the boys voices were until now. They all had a God given talent. Their voices fit with the song perfectly, too. Zayn finished off the song with the piano closing. I stood up and applaud as well as Wyatt. The boys walked out of the booth. "That's was amazing!" I said giving each of them a hug. "Boys, I think that song for you perfectly!" Wyatt said. They talked about the song and Wyatt said, "I think we've found our selves a new song writer lads." My head shot up.

All the boys nodded. "Jackie, would you like to be our official new song writer?" Niall asked. I looked from the boys to Wyatt. They couldn't be serious.. Right? "Um, yeah, I guess so." I said. They cheered and gave me a group hug. "Jackie, didn't you say you were working on a song, called.. Uh.." Harry said. "Back to December?" I asked. He nodded. "Sing it for us." He said, and everyone agreed. "Noo.." I said. "PLEASE!!" He begged.

"Fine." I grabbed a guitar and started playing. I took a deep breathe. "I'm so glad you made time to see me, how's life? Tell me how's your family, I haven't seen them in awhile." I looked up to see Liam's eyes shut listening carefully. "Its been good, busier then ever, small talk, the work and the weather. Your guard is up and I know why." I sang through the song the best I could with having all the memories flood back.

"So if a chain is on your door I understand..." I sang. I finished up the song and opened my eyes. The boys and Wyatt stood up and applaud, they were telling me how good it was, blah. Harry gave me a hug. "That's was great!" He said. Then Liam came to me. "Was that-." "Yeah." I said quickly. I heard the door opened behind me. Everyone stopped talking and looked. Harry grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around. "Surprise..?"

I turned to see my idol. The red head that I was obsessed with. I stop in shock. How-. He waved and smiled. I couldn't move or speak. I probably looked like a complete idiot or freak or something. I couldn't believe who was in front of my eyes though. There he stood..

Ed Sheeran.

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