Chapter 17: Louis

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We walked into the airport. We went through all the things and they checked me and my suitcase. Finally it was time to board the plane. "Well, I'm going to miss you guys!" I said giving each of them a hug. When it came to Harry he whispered in my ear. "I love you, and only you. I'm gonna miss you." I looked up at him and smiled. We weren't dating, still just friends. Plus, it would be weird to date him the day I'm leaving.

"AMERICA IS BOARDING." The speaker said. He looked at me then squeezed me tight. "I don't want you to leave." He said. "You guys are acting like your never gonna see me again. I'll be back soon, alright? I love you guys, don't forget it!" I said having a group hug. "LAST CALL FOR AMERICA.," I heard. "I gotta go." I said. I started walking to the doors. That's when it hit me, I started to cry. I tried to hold in the tears before walking into the plane.

Once I stepped in, I turned around. All the boys waved. I waved a little then turned back. They shut the doors behind me. This was it, I'm going back to America. Where the horrible memories are still held.


I couldn't hold in the tears much longer when she turned around and waved. I had to let them out of me. I watched as the doors closed behind her. All I could think was, what if she doesn't come back? What if she likes it better there? What if she finds someone else she loves more? I dragged myself back to the car. My phone went off. *Miss you already 😢 .xx.* it was from Jackie. I sent back, *Same here. 😣 xxx*

"Now what?" Niall asked as we walked into the house. "I'm going out with Eleanor." Louis said walking upstairs to get ready. "Same, Perrie." Zayn said also walking away. "I'm going to dinner with Dani." Liam said walking out the door. I looked at Niall. "Sucks be single." I said flopping down on the couch. "Sure is." Niall said siting next to me. "How about we go to the club tonight?" Niall asked.

"I don't know man. I'm not really in the mood." I said laying down. "Please!! I'll buy us some dinner too." Niall begged. "Fine, lad." I said getting up. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "I don't know. Nando's sounds good. Yeah, how about Nando's. I love me some Nando's." Niall said quickly. "Alright. Lets go." I said getting my keys. "YAY!!!" Niall yelled running out the door. I looked at my phone. No text from Jackie.

I sighed, and got in the car. All I have to do for the rest of the day... Was to babysit Niall..


I sat down next to a girl about my age and got out my phone. I put on some music and put in my headphones. I closed my eyes and decided to take a little nap, but of course it didn't work. I felting a finger poking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and took out the headphones. I looked to my right. It was the girl.

"Hi, did you need something?" I asked. "Yeah, wait no. Actually yes, you look really familiar.. Have I met you before?" She asked. I looked at her. "I don't think so.. I'm Jackie by the way." I said. "Oh, I'm Kylie." She said. My phone went off. *Same Here 😣 xxx* It was from Harry. I looked at my screen saver. It was me and Harry at the airport earlier. "That's where I know you from! You're Harry Styles girlfriend. I've seen you in magazines and stuff!" She said.

I looked at her and giggled. "I'm not Harry's girlfriend. We're just friends." I laughed. "Really? You guys would be adorable together!" She said. I like this Kylie.. A lot. "Really? Are you a directioner?" I asked. "Well, yeah. I guess you could say that. I love the boys, I really do. It's just.. Directioners can be too protective at times and crazy." She said. "Right?! Thats what I've been thinking this whole time!" I said.

"What do you mean?" Kylie asked. "They've been sending me hate.. Like a lot of it. And I tried telling Harry about it and he thought I was joking!" I said. She nodded, "Yeah, things get so out if control in that fandom! So I don't get Involved in crap." She said. "Good for you! That's what I would've done." I agreed. "I like you Jackie." She laughed. "I like you too!" I said.

We continued talking until the plane landed. We walked off the plane together. "Where are you headed?" I asked getting my luggage. "I'm heading to Ann Arbor." She said. "No way!!! Me too!" I said excitedly. Now I have someone to hang out with. "Yay! What's your number?" She asked. We exchanged numbers and I went to go catch a taxi. I finally got one after about 10 minutes. I hoped in the cab and told the guy directions to the hotel.

*Just landed! Miss you all! 😘😘* I sent to each of the guys. We arrived at the hotel minutes later. I gave the driver a tip and headed into the hotel. When I walked inside a girl with familiar blonde short hair was at the desk. "Kylie?" I asked taping her shoulder. She turned around.. It was Kylie! "Jackie!!!" She yelled giving me a hug. "I can't believe we're staying at the same place!" I said happily. "Well, I don't know about that. They said they already gave my room away. And there isn't any clean or open rooms." She sighed.

"Light bulb! Stay with me!!" I said. She looked at me in shock. "Are you sure? I don't know-" "Positive! Please, it'll be fun!" I begged. "Ok, YES!" She said. We celebrated while the desk person got us the key. "Thanks." I said as he handed it to me. We headed upstairs talking about random things. "Want to go out to dinner? It's on me!" Kylie asked as we walked into the room. "Why not?!" I said. We got out things situated and headed to find a place to eat.

*Later On*

We were getting ready for bed when I heard a familiar name from the TV. I turned to it. "Harry Styles seen at the airport along with the rest of One Direction and the mystery girl! What is going on between them?" The TV lady said. Kylie ran in from the bedroom. "I heard your boyfriends name." She yelled. "He's not my boyfriend!" I whined. She rolled her eyes. "Seen with now known as Jackie earlier today but tonight seen with Blondie in the club. Here's a video that Niall posted on twitter."

I sat down in the couch and watched. It was Harry and this girl grinding on each other. I could tell he was obviously drunk. "Get it on!" I heard Niall yell. Music was blaring in the background so I couldn't hear what Harry said. The girl grabbed Harry's face and started making out. My heart broke. Harry pulled away and slurred, "Come on baby, lets have some fun." And with that they stumbled in a restroom.

Niall turned the camera to him. "That's right Harry!" He screamed. The video shut off. "Looks like little miss Jackie, has been replaced." I grabbed the remote and shut off the TV. A tear came out of my eye. "I'm going to bed." I said shakily waking away. "Why you so upset its not like he's your boyfriend!" Kylie teased. I turned around. "Shut up Kylie! You know nothing!" I screamed and walked into my bedroom.

I slammed the door and flopped down on the bed. Kylie started to pound on the door. "Jackie, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't know." She said. I started crying into my pillow. "Please! Open up!" She said. I walked to the door and opened it. "Jackie-" She started talking until I collapsed in her arms. "Jackie, it's gonna be fine. Just-just call him." She said pulling away from the hug. I shook my head no. "Then call one of the guys." She said.

"Okay, I got this..." I said. I got my phone out of my bag. I vision blurred from the tears. I went to the bathroom and cleaned my self up. I got out my phone and scrolled through the contacts. I finally found his number and pressed call. "Who are you calling?" Kylie asked sitting down next to me. "My go to guy." I said. "Who's that?" She asked confused.



Authors Note:

Happy New Years everyone! I don't want to go back to school. How is it? Thank you for getting me to 300 readers! Ah, I'm so happy. Can we get to 15 votes by the next update? Thank you! More is to come(:

-Sam (:

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