Chapter 14: Little Things

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I opened my eyes slowly and sat up in bed. This was my new home.. And I was living with my 5 best friends. I put my hair up In a bun and walked downstairs. "Oh my god, put some clothes on!" I yelled covering my eyes. "Sorry." I heard a deep British accent.. Harry. I heard footsteps run upstairs. I open my eyes and grabbed an apple. "Hey Jackie!" Louis said walking in. "Hi!" I said happily. "How'd you sleep love?" He asked.

"Eh, alright. I was thinking most the night." I said sitting on the counter. "Did you..." He started. "Yes." I said quickly. "WHAT? Really.?? Who! Who!" He asked excitedly. "You Can't tell anyone.. Ok?" I said. "I won't! Please tell me." He said. "Alright, so last night after I talked to you. Harry kissed me. And went he kissed me I felt sparks. I just- I don't know, but I've fell for him big time." I said quietly. "YES!!! I knew you were gonna choose him I just knew it!!" He said picking me up from the counter.

I just laughed. Harry walked in on him going crazy. "What happened to him." He asked. "Oh, nothing." I replied. Louis calmed down. "Hey can't a lad be excited. #Sorrynotsorry!" He yelled running out of the kitchen. "Uh, I don't know." I shrugged. We were silent for awhile just eating. "Hey, sorry about kissing you last night.." Harry said awkwardly. "Don't worry about it.. You got me back!" I laughed.

He laughed nervously. "So, you'd rather date me than Liam." He said flirty. "Yes, Harry I would." I said patting his head. "So, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?" He asked moving closer. "I would love to." I said. "Love to what?" Niall asked coming in. "Go out to dinner." I said. "Yay! Guys we're going out to dinner tonight!!" He yelled running away. Harry looked angry. I hugged him,

"Maybe some other time." I whispered.

"But-, fine. We're supposed to head to the studio today. Ed wanted us to finish writing the song he was starting." Harry said. I nodded and went upstairs to get dressed. I picked out a plaid button up with white shorts. I braided my hair to the side. I got some converse and brushed my teeth. I took my pills and headed back downstairs. Liam was the only one down there. I sat next to him on the couch.

"Hiiii!" He said. I smiled. "You're gonna love this new song it's about-." "DON'T TELL HER YET!" Zayn yelled walking in. "Ok, ok. Sorry." He said putting his hands up. I grabbed the remote and turned the volume up. It was the news talking about a shooting at a nearby store. 10 people died and 27 are in the hospital. "That's so sad." I said quietly. It showed a lady crying. Her daughter died while she was in the restroom. I gasped, and shut the TV off. I hated being reminded of people's deaths. Speaking of deaths my brothers birthdays coming up and I'm visiting him (his grave).

"You okay Jackie?" Liam said rubbing my back. I nodded slowly. "You look pale.. Do you feel alright?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said standing up. "Let's go!" Louis yelled walking out the door we all followed. We piled into the car and blasted music. "Guys what's the date?" I asked. "6th.. Why?" Niall said turning down the radio. "Guys, I have to leave for America in 2 days." I said. The boys looked hurt. "You're moving back? ..why?" Harry asked sadly.

"No, I'm not moving back. I'm just going for a couple days.. It's my brothers birthday on the 9th." I said. "Why can't you stay?" He pouted. "Because I want to visit his grave." I said. "Why?! He hurt you!! He ruined you, Jackie!! Can't you see that!!! Why would you want to visit him?" Harry yelled. We pulled up, and I felt hurt. "Because Harry!! He's my brother, and I love him! No matter what he did to me.. HE'S STILL MY BROTHER!" I yelled.

I jumped out of the car and ran into the studio. I locked myself in the bathroom. No way I was coming out.. Nuh-uh. I slid down the wall and got out my phone. I heard pounding on the door. "Jackie, Jackie please. I didn't mean to say that. I'm sorry please come out." He begged. I didn't reply. "Jackie, please." He said pounding more. I shook my head, even if he couldn't see me. I heard some one join him, then another, then another, then another.

"Jackie?" They all said in Union pounding on the door. I heard whispering. Then I just heard Harry. "Jackie, please. Come on, You need to hear the song.. Please." He said. I walked to the door and cracked it open. "Jackie.." He said pulling me in for a hug. "I'm sorry. I-I just didn't want you to leave." He said. "It's fine, I overreacted." I said letting go. He stayed silent and shook his head. He started to talk. "Are you gonna show me the song.. Or.." I said.

He smiled and nodded. I mean how could I be mad at this kid for more than 5 minutes. He's just so lovable it HURTS! This must how fangirling feels.. Wait, I'm fangirling over my best friend. Wha-? The boys went into the recordings booth and Niall got his guitar ready. Wyatt walked in with Ed, oh Ed. They sat next to me. "You alright?" Ed said giving me a hug. "Yeah, I'm fine now." I said. "Is this the song I told them to finish?" He asked.

"I think so." I replied. Niall started playing and Zayn began to sing.. "Your hand fits in mine, like its made just for me." He sang. I closed my eyes and listened carefully. Taking in the beautiful lyrics. A lot of the lyrics were very similar to what I told Ed yesterday. "This is about you, ya know." Ed whispered. I looked at him shocked. The boys wrote this song for me. Louis started singing.

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea. And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep. And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep, though it makes no sense to me."

Then Harry.

"I know you'll never love the sound of your voice on tape, you never want to know how much you weigh. You still have to squeeze into your jeans, but you're perfect to me." He sang.

He looked at me straight in the eyes and melted my heart. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I wiped it quickly before they could see. Niall now started singing.

"You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And you'll never treat yourself right darling, but I want you to. If I let you know, I'm here for you. Maybe you'll love yourself like I.. Love you. Oh."

I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore. I started crying, lightly though. Harry sang into my soul again, an then all the boys did together.

They finished off the song and walked out of the booth. I got up slowly and have each of them a hug. "Why're you crying love?" Harry asked wiping my tear. "Ed told me what the song was about. Thank you.. I-I needed that." I said hugging him tightly. He kissed my forehead. "Anything for you." He whispered. I smiled up at him.


That song was truly for her. It described her in every way. She was so touched by the song.. And I was so glad. Ed told me to win over a girl, write her a love song. I just hope I did, even if she has liked me before. "How'd you guys know some of that stuff anyway..?" She asked. "I told them some stuff from what I remember, when we were younger." Liam said. "When Louis said you guys have secret conversations, we tried to make him tell us. But he wouldn't say a word." Niall said.

Jackie turned to Louis. "What? I don't break a promise." He said poking her nose. She hugged him, then whispered something I couldn't hear. I wonder why she chose Louis to tell her secrets to, not me. Does she trust him more than me? No. She told me herself she trusts me a lot. But I guess not enough to tell me a secret. Wyatt got us some tea, donuts and cookies. We all sat on the couch and ate.

Except for Jackie. She just drank the tea. "You want the last one, Jackie?" I asked handing her a cookie. "No thanks, I'm not that hungry." She said. "C'mon, I saw what you ate this morning.. Only an apple." I said waving it. "Ok." She took the cookie from me and ate some of it, maybe half. "Are you gonna finish that?" Niall asked. "Here." She laughed handing it to him. I've noticed that she hasn't been eating a lot.

I wonder why? Must not be that big of an eater, I guess. Maybe that's another one of her little things she hates about herself. Eating too much..? I don't know. I should probably ask her over dinner tonight. But of course the boys have to be there, so I can't speak to her in private.

They just better keep in mind, that they shouldn't interfere with my love life.

Or else! Haha, just kidding I wouldn't hurt the lads. But still they wouldn't want to do that.


Authors note:

Hi readers, Thank you so much for reading so far. I know the past couple chapters have been boring, but there's some action coming up soon! Can we try to get 200 reads by 2013! Again, thanks(: More is to come!

-Sam 😄

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