Chapter 12: Torn

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She stood in shock for a couple of minutes, I knew she would love it! She does love it.. right? Ed looked at me confused and I mouthed Hug Her. He did as I said and Jackie snapped back into reality. She hugged him back and started crying. Her hand went to her mouth and started shaking her head back and forth. He let go of her and she turned to me. "You-yo-you-you-" She stuttered. I nodded. She screamed then jumped on top of me.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and squeezed my neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She whispered. She hopped down and hugged me tight. She turned back to Ed. "Hi, uh. Sorry bout that. I'm Jackie!" She said happily. "Yes I know, I've heard lots about you!" He said hugging her again. I turned red. "You sing like an angel love, and what song is that? I've never heard it before." Ed said sitting on the couch.

Jackie sat next to him. "Thank you! And I wrote the song it's called Back To December." She said. "Really?!? That was like.. Professional. Really really good!" He said surprised. Jackie's songs were professional, she can write and sing just like Ed. I just hope they don't fall for each other.. I just want Jackie. She's the one and only girl I need. I looked at Jackie, she had the biggest smile on her face. I noticed the little dimples that showed when she smiled big.

She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I sat down across from them and listened Into their conversation. "How old are you?" Ed asked getting out a note pad. (He does that when something interesting comes up for a song.) "18 years." She said. "Tell me what you hate and love about yourself." Ed said. Jackie's face turned serious, thinking. I listened. "I hate my thighs, stomach, the.. Ya know crinkles by my eyes. Uh, oh! I have little dimples on my lower back. I-" She talked and talked.

I felt my heart sink a bit, she really hates a lot about herself. "Ok, ok. Tell something you like." Ed stopped her, and I'm glad he did. "Something I like. Oh I like-no. Maybe-no. Um-nope." She thought and thought, my heart sank some more. "I guess I like my hair color." She said. Ed laughed, "You hair color? Come on, something more." He said. She put her head in her hands, which made her sleeves slide down.

Ed grabbed her arm and slid her sleeve back more. Revealing her scars. Everyone gasped but me, I guess I was the only one who knew. "Jackie.. You-" Niall's voice cracked. Ed looked at her in the eyes. "Don't do this to yourself Jackie, please. You deserve so much more then that." Ed said. Jackie looked at me and I saw the tears start pouring out of her eyes. "Jackie.." I said standing up. She stood up and I brought her into the other room. She sat on the floor and started shaking.

I cradled her in my arms. "I-I didn't want anyone to know." She said after calming down a bit. "You told me." I said stoking her hair. I have no clue how long we've been in the room. I just need to comfort her. "I know I did Harry. But that's different. You're the first person I could trust in a very very long time. You-You're my best friend." She said. I smiled. "Jackie, you can trust the lads too. They're all like me, just in different bodies." I said.

She looked up at me. "But what if they think of me differently. What if they tell others. What if your fans find out. What if-" "Stop. They won't, they'll promise. They care for you so much more then you know, Jackie. They wouldn't hurt you." I said. She sat up. "Are you sure?" She asked wiping her eyes. "Positive. Jackie they love you, your like their sister." I said rubbing her back. "I love them too." She said.

She looked at me. "I love you, too, Harry." She said. I looked at her in the eyes and wrapped my arms around her. "Jackie, I love you too." I said. I pulled away from the hug and just looked at her. Took in all her beauty. Before I knew it, I was leaning in. And so my she. Our noses touched.. And the door opened. "Hey you guys alright you've been in here- OH sorry." Louis said shutting the door. Jackie laughed nervously and stood up.

"I think I'm ready to go back out." She said. I stood up slowly, I was depressed that I didn't get the chance to kiss her. I grabbed her hand and walked out of the room. We entered the recording room and Ed wasn't there anymore. The boys were all on the couch and looked up nervously. Liam was the first to stand up and hugged Jackie. All the guys joined in. They let go and Louis came towards me. "Did you-" "No Louis I didn't." I snapped.

I was mad that I didn't get to kiss her. I just hope she got the signal that I really do love her. "Are you ok Jackie." Niall said. "Yeah, I'm fine now." She said. "Guys I think we should go." I suggested. They all agreed and we walked out. Jackie sat next to Liam, not me. They were talking and laughing. I was jealous..very jealous. If it wasn't for Lou. I would've kissed her, and she would want me! Not Liam or anyone else. My hands turned into fists and I clenched my jaw.

I could feel my face turn red. "Harry, are you ok." Jackie asked.

"Yeah, just jolly good."


I walked up to my room and started jotting down ideas for a song. I'm sorta upset that I didn't get to kiss Harry. It would've been nice, but afterwards I was talking to Liam. He has changed, yes. And I do miss the old him, but it felt nice having a conversation without screaming at each other. There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I said. Louis opened the door. "Hi, Food's ready." He said. "Okay!" I said.

He turned to leave. "Lou?" I said stopping him. "Yes?" He said sitting on the bed. "I need advice." I said facing him. "What kind of advice." He asked. "Have you ever had feelings for 2 people at the same time and you can't figure out who you really love?" I asked. He thought a bit. "Well love, I'm not sure. Why? Are you torn?" He asked. "Very.." I replied. "Jackie, who is this about?" Louis asked. "Lou, you have to promise you won't tell anyone, It'll be a secret conversation.. Ok?" I said quickly. He nodded.

"Ok well, it's Harry and Liam." I mumbled. "So you don't know which one you like most?" He asked. "Yeah, I mean before today I really really liked Harry, and then he almost kissed me. But then, today Liam and I were talking and I missed doing that with him." I flopped down on the bed. "Jackie, go where your heart wants to go, not your brain. Your heart is where the real love comes from, alright?" He said helping me up. "How will I know though?" I asked.

"You wait, until it finally decides." He said. "How long will that take?" I asked. "As long as it wants to take." He laughed. "So you mean it could take longer than a year?" I asked. "I don't know Jackie." He said patting my back. "Now, you can't tell anyone about this alright." I said. "I promise Jackie, is everything fine now?" He said as we walked out the door. "No, nothing's fine I'm torn." I pouted.

And you know what he did..

He laughed.


Authors note:

Hi guys Merry Christmas Eve! I just want to say a big thank you for my fist fan! I love you right now girl! I haven't been getting any feedback yet though, that's fine. I'm happy that I have the readers that I got! More will be coming soon!

Have a Merry Christmas!

~Sam ❤❤

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