Chapter 33: Heaven

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The look in her eyes. She seemed so worried looking at the paparazzi, and the fans. I couldn't get the image of her face out of my head. I shook the thought out of my head and continued to drive. "Do you want to go back to my place?" I asked Jackie. She kept looking out the window. "Uh, no thanks. You can drop me off at my place. I'm pretty tired." She said, I sighed. "Or you could stay for a little while." She said smiling up at me.

"How could I refuse that..?" I laughed. I pulled up to her apartment. We got out of the car and took the elevator up to her room. There was a big boom and the elevator wobbled. We stopped. "H-harry.." Jackie said squeezing my hands. "It's gonna be fine, I'm just gone call done to the-" The lights turned off. Jackie jumped on to me. "What's gonna happen to us." She whispered with her face buried in my chest.

"Nothing. We're gonna be fine Jackie. I won't let anything happen to you." I said kissing her forehead. We sat, and sat, and sat in silence. Pitch black, only our phones were the lights. "When our we gonna get out of here?" She asked. "Soon." I said. I was getting impatient myself. "I have to go to the bathroom." I said. "Me too." She said. "Why don't we bang on the door, and see if somebody will go get help." I suggested. "Don't have to tell me twice." She said jumping up.

We moved to the door and starting pounding on it and yelling for help. "Is someone in there?" I heard girl yell. Me and Jackie looked at each other and yelled "YES!" "I'll go get some help." She yelled back. "Thank god!" Jackie said sliding down the wall. "Why didn't we think of this 30 minutes ago." She said. The elevator made another Boom. The lights turned on and we started going down. The doors opened. "Gotta Pee, gotta pee!" Jackie yelled running out of the elevator and up the stairs.

I walked out of the elevator. "Thank you so much!" I said to the girl who helped us. "Wait, I just saved Harry Styles! OMG!!!!!" She screamed. "And my girlfriend, Jackie. We thought we were gonna be stuck in there forever." I said and her face dropped. "Jackie was in there?" She asked. I nodded and she looked away. "Now I wish I would've let you stay in there." She mumbled.

"Excuse me?" I said raising my voice. "Oh, nevermind." She said. "I hope you didn't say anything about leaving my girlfriend in an elevator..." I said and she walked away. I turned away and stomped my way up the stairs. I unlocked Jackie's room door. I slammed the door, which made Jackie jump. She turned to me. "What's wrong?" She asked standing up. "It's just-, it's everything! Everything they do!" I yelled.

"Ok, calm down. Who?" She asked sitting me on the couch. "The fans Jackie, the fans! Everything they do to you. I'm sick of them treating you like f****** dirt!" I yelled. "You and me both, huh..." She mumbled. I wrapped my arms around her. "I guess we have to learn to ignore it all." I said. "I wish." She whispered. I put my arm around her. We laid like that, she stated at the ceiling and I played with her hair.

"Harry, can I ask you something?" She said sitting up, I sat up too. "What?" I asked. "Do you ever think of what heaven is like?" She said. "No-, well I don't know why?" I asked. "I was just wondering." She paused. "Do you think it's perfect up there? Everyone loves each other?" She said laying her head on my shoulder. "Probably." I said. I was confused. Why would she be asking me these questions?

"Wanna watch some movies?" She asked opening up the cabinet "Yeah, sure!" I said kneeling down helping her pick out a movie. "How about 'The Vow'?" She suggested. "Suree!" I said

putting it in the disc. We sat on the couch and started watching the movie. I looked down at Jackie. She fell asleep watching it. I kissed her forehead and checked my phone. A text from Niall. *Guys night! We're going out to dinner then to the club! Be home by 6:00!*

I looked at Jackie again. I smiled to myself. She looked so beautiful. I looked at the clocked, 5:30. I Kaye's Jackie down and got out a piece of paper.

'Going to Have a guys night! Call me when you wake up! Love you Babe! ~Harry <33'

I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. I locked the door and started going down the stairs. I ran into the girl who helped us out of the elevator.

"Oh, hey!" She smiled.

I ignored her and kept walking.


Authors Note:

Hi! Guys, just to warn you, there's only gonna be about 2 more chapter left, then an epilogue. Don't worry, I will be writing another on after I'm finished with this one. I really want to get to 1000 votes by the time in finished. I have 720, I believe. Thank you for reading! More is coming!

~Sam (:

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