Chapter 6: Kiss You

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I was just about to text Jackie about tomorrow when my phone started ringing. It was Jackie. I answered. "Hi Jackie!" I said. "H-Harry. C-can you pick me up?" She whimpered. I heard a sniffle. "Are you crying? What happened? Where are you?" I asked quickly. "I'm at Apple Bees.. Not sure where though. It's pretty close, I think." She said. "I'll find you. Stay where your at but inside Apple Bees alright?" I said. "Okay." She said. "Be careful ok? I'll be there soon." I said. "Ok. Thank you again Harry. Bye." She hung up.

I was in my pjs with no shirt. I threw on a white V neck and slipped on some shoes. I ran out the door. I hopped in my car and sped off. Man, this week I was like Superman, I like it. I tried to think of where the nearest Apple Bees was. I put it into my phone and it said it was 14 minutes away. What did that kid do to Jackie? Did you hurt her? Break her heart? Touch her? I tried to shake the terrible images out of my head.. But they wouldn't go away.

I drove until I found Apple Bees. I hopped out of the car and ran into the restaurant. I looked around and saw Jackie sitting with her head in her and hands. I walked over to her and knelt down. "Jackie." I whispered. She lifted her head up. I could see the tear stains on her cheeks. "Let's go." I said helping her up. I tried to grab her hand but she kept them at her side. We walked to the car in silence and got in. I sat in the car but didn't start it. "Why aren't you starting the car? You not gonna do what he did are you?" She said panicking, she reached for the door handle.

"No. I just wanna know what happened Jackie. I'm not gonna do anything do you. What did he do?" I said wiping the tears off her cheeks. "Well, first we got into the car and he didn't start it. He said he had fun then grabbed my face and started kissing me." She explained. I felt my face turn red. "Then I yelled at him and he grabbed my face again. But I pulled away I got out of the car." I just notices the huge red mark on her cheek.

"Jackie what happened?" I pointed to her cheek. "I'm getting there. He also got out of the car and went to my side. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him, and kissed me again. He started touching me everywhere. I thought he was gonna rape me. I pulled away and started to walk away." My faces dropped. Did he-. "He ran after me and yelled at me for walking away from him. He called me some word then smacked me across the face. He grabbed my arm and started to pull me back to the car." She said. I gasped. How dare he touch her. "I yelled at him and he left me here. Then I called you." Jackie finished off.

"HOW DARE HE TOUCH YOU! IM GONNA BEAT THE LIVING-" I started to yell. "Harry, stop." She said. "Can you just drive me home." She asked. "Doesn't he live near you?" I asked starting the car. "Down the hallway." She breathed out. "You're staying at my place tonight. I'm not letting you get close to the guy. Not without me." I said driving off. "Harry, you've done enough already. You don't have to." She said quietly.

"But, I want to Jackie. I care about you, a lot actually." I replied. "Can we go back to my place first so I can changed into my pjs?" She asked. "Of course." I said. "I care about you too Harry." She said quietly. "You do?" I asked surprised. "Yes." She laughed. I smiled so big my cheeks hurt. She gave me directions to her place and we got there quickly. I opened my door fast and ran to her side and opened her door. "Thanks." She smiled. "Anything for you." I said. This time when I grabbed her hand she let me. I heard cameras flashed.

Crap. How'd they find me. "Go, Fast." I said. Jackie and I ran inside. Great. Now there's gonna be rumors about me and Jackie. We headed towards the elevator. She pressed the button. The door opened and a boy and a girl stood there making out. Jackie flinched and squeezed my hand tighter. She sorta hid behind me. That's him. I clenched my jaw and my face flushed red. I then realized who it was, it was my cousin. They stopped kissing and he turned his head to us.

"Well, well. I see you did find someone, ah don't get out of the Styles family. Aye Harry, she don't stick around for to long." He said hitting my arm and laughing. "Excuse me?" I said stepping towards him. "Harry, don't." Jackie said quietly. "What?" He said also stepping forward. "I know what you did to Jackie. I'm not ok with that." I said. "What did I do again, Oh yeah, this." He said before slapping Jackie. She fell to the floor. The girl rushed to her side.

I lunged at him and beat the crap out of him. He couldn't fight at all. "Guys stop, knock it off!" I heard Jackie yell. She pulled me off from him. "Never touch her again!" I yelled. "Whatever man, your crazy." He said before running off with the girl. "Come on." Jackie said helping me up. We stepped into the elevator. It was silent most the way. "I'm I allowed to stay here now?" She asked. "If you want to." I said sadly. "Ok." She said quietly.

The door opened. "I'll walk you down." I said. We walked down to her room and she opened up the door. "Do you want to wash your hands or something?" She said motioning me in. I looked down at my hands, they had some blood on them. Not sure if it was mine though. "Yeah." I said. "I'm gonna go changed real quick. Sinks over there." She pointed. I walked over to the sink and started to wash my hands.

Jackie was probably mad at me, she told me not to. I just wanted to protect her. "Woah, you ok?" Jackie said. She moved the soap away from my hands. I looked down at them. I was too busy thinking I overflowed my hands with soap. I nodded and finished washing my hands. I sneaked a few glances at Jackie. She look adorable, she had baggy sweats and a pink v-neck on.

She had her hair up in a high pony tail with glasses. "Um, I should be leaving now." I said slowly. I walked to the door and Jackie followed me. "Umm, Well bye." I said awkwardly. "Bye." She replied quietly. I walked towards the elevator and pressed the button. I stepped into the elevator. "Harry! wait!" I heard Jackie yell. She stood in front of the elevator. She stepped in a wrapped her arms around my neck and have me a hug.

"Thank You." She whispered. She looked me in the eyes and kissed me. I repeat, she kissed me. She pulled away and smiled at me. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" She said. "Hows 12?" I smiled trying to keep my cool. "Perfect." She said before hugging me again. I kissed her forehead then she walked out of the elevator and the doors closed. I yelled and jumped. "SHE KISSED ME!" I yelled.

I ran out of the elevator of the elevator and jumped. I got in my car and drove off with the biggest smile on my face. I can't wait for tomorrow. What will I wear, my hairs probably will get messed up in the wind. Oh God, I sound like a women. Maybe it's because I love Jackie so much. Wait, did I just say...



Authors note:

Hello lovelies! How is it? I hope your enjoying it. Thank you guys for reading more will be coming soon(:

-Sam .xoxo.

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