Chapter 3: Never Regret Anything

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Harry held me in his arms, and let me calm down. I loosened my grip and pulled away from him. "Sorry." I said quietly. "Don't say that to me. Tell that to yourself." Harry said making me look to the mirror. "Sorry, self." I waved at my reflection. Harry chuckled. "There ya go, love." I gave him a slight smile. "Come on." Harry grabbed my hand and led me to what looked like a music room. It had a piano, drums, couple guitars, and a few microphones.

"Want me to start interviewing you?" Harry asked sitting down in the piano bench, I sat down next to him. "I don't even know what I'm applying for." I said. "Oh, we are looking for a song writer, or fashion designer. Whatever your better for.. I guess." Harry explained. He seemed so serious about this. Great. I hate serious people.

"Oh, Anne should've told me to bring my books.." I said. "Well, do you think you can sketch out like an outfit or something?" He asked. "Sure.." I got out my notepad and pen. I started to sketch out a cute outfit. "No, No. A boys outfit, ya know for me and the lads to wear?" He chuckled. "Oh, sorry. I don't really know how to draw boy clothes.." I said putting my head down.

I felt like a complete idiot. "What about songs.. Do you write any?" He asked. I looked down at his hands and he was crossing his fingers. I smiled to myself. "Yes, I do." I said thinking out what song I should show him.

"Well, play. Or sing. Or something." He said with a big smile on his face. "Oh No. I don't sing." I said shaking my head. "Pleaseee!!" He said giving my a outing lip and puppy dog eyes. "Fine, I don't if you'll like it I wrote it, when I was about 13.." I trailed off.

"C'mon!!! Plleaasee!" Harry yelled. Ok, maybe I was wrong. Maybe he's not so serious. "Ok, ok. It's called They Don't Know About Us." I said. "Get ready to plug your ears." I mumbled. This song was actually about Liam and I.. I wrote it when people teased us. I started to play the piano.

"People say we shouldn't be together, we're to young to know about forever. But I say they don't know what they're talk, talk, talking about.."

I sang through the song the best I could. Eh, maybe I wasn't so bad. Not talking for years helped my vocals.. Maybe.. No? Anyway, I looked over at Harry during the middle of the song. He sat there listening carefully with his eyes closed. "They don't what we do best, it's between me and you our little secret." I sang. That was my favourite part of the song, I just really like it for some reason.

"They don't know about, us..... They don't know about us." I finished up singing and Played the piano to finish up the song. I slid my fingers off the keys and closed my eyes. I tool a deep breath then looked in Harry's direction. He wasn't there. I looked around and suddenly I heard clapping in the doorway.

There stood Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis, & Anne. Harry ran over to me and picked me up and spin me around. "That was amazing! You said you couldn't sing! You sound like an angel, and write like one." Harry said. "Thanks." I whispered. Anne ran over to us and Harry put me down. "Hi, Anne." I said quietly. She started crying and gave me a hug. "Your talking. I'm so proud of you, oh my god." She said squeezing me tight.

"Jackie, sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset." Louis said walking over to me. "It's ok." I said hugging him. "Come over here, You deserve a Horan hug!!!" Niall said. I walked over to him a gave him a hug. Everyone else joined in also.

"Okay, that's enough love for Jackie." I said gasping for breath. "Sorry!" They all said letting go. "So, did she get the job?" Anne asked. "Anne, he probably has to talk to their management and the others, listen to more of my-" I started. "Yes!! I can't let my new friend go!!" He said putting his arm around me.

"Wait, where did Liam go?" Niall asked looking around. Every time I hear his name I feel a piece of my heart fall. "I don't know, wasn't he listening to Jackie?" Zayn said. If he remembered me, then I know why he left. When I wrote this song, I sang it to him. He loved it, and told me to make a copy for him. I did and he hung it up on his fridge. "You've made it to the fridge Jackie! That's great!" Mrs. Payne told me.

I miss her. I miss his whole family. Haven't seen them since I was 14 in December. I actually got in a fight with Liam right before he left. It was about a boy I liked. The boy asked me out and I said yes. Liam thought he was gonna hurt me, and break my heart. We never made up after that. I thought about all of it the night Liam left. I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning I broke up with that boy. I wrote a song about Liam too. Called Back to December. "Jackie? You alright?" Anne said. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "You got all pale, and zoned out." She said. "Oh, I'm fine."

"Why don't we make something to eat? Or order?" Harry suggested. "Let's order PIZZA!!!!!" Niall yelled. Harry got out his phone and called the pizza place. Zayn walked out of the room and then a few minutes later he came back.

"Jackie, Liam wants to talk to you for some reason." Zayn said. "Ok. Where is he." I asked. "Up the stairs, Second door on the left. I'll take you up." Harry said grabbing my hand. We started to walk up the stairs. "I could've found my way." I laughed. "I know. But I want to have a little talk with Liam." He said. We got to his door. "You can go first." Harry said. I knocked on the door lightly.

I heard a Come In, so I opened the door and closed it behind me. "You wanted to speak to me?" I asked. "Oh, you talk now? Ha." Liam said with a mean tone. "What did you want me for?" I asked crossing my arms. "I wanted to talk to you about us, Jackie. I remember you, you were my best friend." He started off. I nodded slowly. "You look different, Hot." He said winking at me. I backed up. "Excuse me." I said. "You heard me, now I wanted to know how our friends our doing." Liam asked.

"I don't talk to them anymore Liam. They were your friends, they ruined me. Once you left, so did they." I said raising my voice. "You think I didn't know that? You were a loser, gosh I just hung out with you because my mom wanted me to." He said getting up. "What? All that time you faked it?" I yelled. "Yes, yes I did. Oh, and how is your boyfriend Jake..? Was it?" He asked stepping closer. "I broke up with him. Ya know, you did that because you thought you would loose me, at least thats what the ONE and ONLY note said!!!" I yelled clenching my jaw.

"Ok, ok! Maybe, BUT I didn't want you to get hurt.. He would've broke you Jackie!!! I don't know why I even tried to protect you, I hated you!!!" Liam yelled. "Ya know what? You, Liam James Payne have changed through the years WAY to much! Fame must've gotten to you, because the Liam I once knew would've never said ANYTHING like that!!" I yelled. "Well, That Liam's gone. GET USED TO IT!!" He yelled.

"I can't believe I once called you my best friend..." I mumbled with tears in my eyes. "You regret it? Because I sure do. And I'm not the only one who changed smart A**. You turned into a little B****." He said. "No, I never regret anything. And I don't know what you've heard or seen of me, that you think I'm the one who changed." I said with tears falling out of my eyes.

I ran out of the room, and ran into Harry. "What was all the scream-". "I have to go.. sorry." I said quickly. I ran down the stairs and out the door. And ran through the field in the direction we came from. "Jackie!!" I heard Harry yell. I didn't turn to look, all I wanted was to escape from here, the boys, Anne.

And most of all Escape from My past.


Authors note:

Hello readers, I hope you're enjoying it so far. Oh, and by the way, Jackie writes songs that are real.. In real life. So please no hate for that, just pretend that they don't exist yet! Thank You(:

-Sam .xoxo.

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