Chapter 18: Just like I Remembered

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I was watching a movie with Eleanor when my phone went off. It was Jackie. "Hey Jackie! How's it going?" I asked. "Could be better." She sniffled, she was crying. "Why are you crying? What happened? Who did this to you?" I started throwing questions at her. "That's what I called you to talk to you about?" She started, "Earlier today you know how me and Harry made up right?" She asked.

"Yeah..?" I said slowly. "Well, uh we kissed. Then he told me he loved me and only me. And I-I can't believe I believed him!" She cried. "Wait, what? Why is it so bad that you believed him?" I asked confused. "Check Niall's twitter.. Then call me back." She said before she hung up. Eleanor gave me a weird look. "Look it up!" She said. I pulled up twitter on her laptop and went on Niall's page. There was a video I clicked on the video.

Harry and Niall were at the club, Harry looked to be grinding on someone. Then he started to make out with her, and then took her to the toilet to "have some fun". I felt terrible for Jackie, I looked at Eleanor. "She must be crushed." She said, and I nodded. I go out my phone and called Jackie. *Ring, ring, ring* finally she's answered. "Hello?" A unfamiliar voice said.

"Hi, can I speak to Jackie?" I asked. "She's kind if having a breakdown right now. Oh, she said to Skype her." The voice said. "Yeah sure, I call in a sec." I said. I hung up and called her on Skype from the laptop. The other girl answered. "Hi, I'm Kylie. Jackie's new friend." She waved. "Kylie give me the laptop." I heard Jackie yell. "No! I'm talking to famous people!!" Kylie screamed. "KYLIE FILKINS GIVE ME THE LAPTOP NOW!" Jackie yelled.

"Ok ok!" Kylie said making a face. "Don't make that face." Jackie said when she handed her the laptop. "How did you know-" "I know everything!" She interrupted. I looked at Jackie she looked like she had been crying a lot. "Hey Lou, hi Eleanor." She said. "Hi Jackie!" We both said together. She smiled a bit. "I saw the video. Jackie, I'm disgusted with Harry right now. I'm gonna talk to him when I go." I said.

"You don't have to, I can. I just needed some advice in what to do." She said. "No, I am no matter what. Your like my little sister, I have stick up for my family. For advice, I don't really know Jackie. I could call to after I talk to him." I said. "Yeah, ok. That's fine. I'm gonna head to bed, goodnight guys!" She said before hanging up. "Harry deserves to be punched in the face!" I yelled. "You don't know exactly what happened yet Lou. He just could've been drunk." Eleanor said.

"Yeah, I know. I should head home, Babe. Love you!" I said before kissing her. "Love you too. Drive safe." She said as I walked out the door. I really needed to talk to Harry right now.

I pulled into the driveway and went into the house. I looked around the house.. No sign of Harry. Just Liam and Zayn. "Did you see the video on twitter?" Zayn asked as I walked into the basement. "Yeah, I'm pissed because of it." I said. "Why?" Zayn asked. "Because Jackie's upset about it. He led her on, and then the moment she leaves, he decides to f*** a random girl in the bathroom!" I yelled.

"Wait Jackie likes him?" Liam asked. "Yeah! She loves him, and he told her that he loved her back!" I yelled. "Oh." He said looking hurt. "Now what's wrong?" I asked. "N-nothing. I'm going to bed." He said getting up. "Great! Another one heartbroken!" Zayn said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Liam has loved her forever lad, ever since they were kids. He said he's never stopped." Zayn said. "Really? But he has a girlfriend." I said. "I know. But ya know the heart wants what the heart wants." He said.

"Ok..? Zayn, you and your quotes." I said then started laughing. He stuck his tongue out at me. I heard the front door open. "Gotta Go!" I yelled running upstairs. I ran into the living to find a drunk Niall on the floor. "I feel so happy." He slurred out. "Where's Harry?" I asked helping him up. "Louis, how ya doing? Tonight was so great lad. Look at the pretty birdies." He slurred. "Niall! Where's Harry." I yelled.

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