Chapter 35, Part 1: Videos

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I stood in front of everyone, tear stains on my cheeks. Probably looking horrible, but right now I didn't care. Right now, I was here for Jackie. To tell these people what they did to her. Made her take her own life. Directioners were at her funeral, all the way in the back though. They weren't allowed to come near Jackies casket, or me.

"Why?" I spoke into the microphone. "Why would you do this to, Jackie?" I said shakily. "She didn't deserve this, she's been through enough in life. And y-you just had to make it worse." I said. "We wanted to protect you!" I heard a girl yell from the crowd. "From what?" I asked. "From her, we thought she would hurt you!" She cried out. "We'll she did hurt me now, only because of all you. You made her leave from my life, and everybody elses." I said.

"Now, I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about Jackie." I took a deep breath. "Jackie, was my everything. She was-, she was just such an amazing person. And I hate to think that she's gone. She's not gone from my life though. She's with us all right now. I know she is. I just want to see her face one more time, hear her laugh, see her smile. But I can't. I won't ever be able to again."

"I'm going to finish this off so we can watch Jackies videos she made for us. Nobody has seen them yet, she said to save for after my speech. So I did. To close this off I'm going to say this." I paused and looked up at the sky.

"I love you Jaclyn Renee Willis, and I will never stop."

Tears fell from my eyes and everyone stayed quiet. "Play the videos." I whispered in the mic. I sat back down it my seat. The video started to play.


*Video #1*


"Hi guys. Um, the first thing I wanted to say is that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you hate on me. To make you to want me dead. I don't know anymore. I just couldn't take it anymore. We both knew that I wouldn't last. I'm pretty sure that's why you never stopped sending me the hate and death threats. You wanted me to become so weak, the only think I could to was take my life."

"I have a questions for you. For Directioners. Are you happy? Are you really happy now? Now that I'm gone, I'm sure your life's will be perfect. Or maybe it'll be boring since you have no one else to pick. And don't you think to start doing what you were doing to me to the other girlfriends now. They don't deserve the hate, they did nothing to you. I just hope your all happy. And if your not.. I don't even know."

"I hope you never do this to anyone again. Because to be honest, not to bring you down or anything. My life was pretty bad before. But since you guys started doing stuff my life was destroyed, turned into hell. And from a wise fan I met on a plane, Go die bitch, no one wants you here on Earth. Well, you got your wish. I just want to let you girls know that I don't feel ashamed at all for blaming this on you. You ruined my life. And now you ruined the lives of people I love. Bye."

*Video #2*

~The Boys & Anne & Girlfriends~

"Oh my god, I'm crying already. Ok, so to start off. I just wanted to say Thank You. To all of you. You guys were there when I needed you. You changed my life, really. If it wasn't for you guys. I don't know what my life would've been like. Ok, so Anne, I want to thank you the most. You were like my mom, I needed you. You are really the nicest lady in the world."

"And Thank you again for getting me the most amazing job and meeting the most 5 amazing guys. I love you so much! And Boysss! You guys brought a smile to my face every single day I was with you. You guys changed my life a lot. You made me realize life was worth living. But ya know.. Stuff came up. Don't blame yourselves for it either. This is not your fault, like at all. Thank you for making me happy, thank you for letting me trust you, I love you guys so much!"

"And Dani, El, and Perrie. You girls are best go to girls. I love you guys. You always gave me advice from nod to hate. You girls helped me a lot. Don't let them do what they did to me. Please don't, stay strong."

*Video #3*


"Harry, I'm sorry I let you down. I told you I would stay strong through everything, I-I just couldn't take it anymore. This is why I kept bringing stuff up about heaven. I was hoping you would catch on. But you didn't, and that's fine. I'm in a better place now, where everything's good. I just wish you could be with me. You're my other half. I love you. I love you."

"Please, don't let this get to you. Please, don't give up. You will find someone who you will love, and you will move on. You're life will be amazing, just because I'm not in it anymore doesn't mean you have to give up. Live you're life like you were when I was around. Harry, I love you. This has absolutely nothing to do with you. You had no influence on this. You helped me get through.. Well, everything."

"Harry, I'm gonna be watching over you. So don't do anything stupid. Be happy, and smile, laugh. Please, just have hope. Someday after you lived your life, your whole life, I'll meet you at the top of the stairs. I promise. Now, remember those songs I promised you could hear. Well here they are.."

Continues -------------------------->

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