Chapter 15: Bullied

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*One Day Later.*

Today was the last day before Jackie is leaving to America. I don't even know how long she will be gone.. She hasn't really said. All she said was it depends. What the heck does that mean? Depends on what? She has no family there.. Not that cares for her anyway. We're the only "family" she's got. We spent the whole day together, the lads and Jackie and I, walking around. Going into shops, eating, typical things.

I'm just upset that I didn't get a one on one with her as a date out. We've been having a lot of fun today, she's been smiling a lot, which is good. But, I can tell there's something on her mind. Whenever she thinks we're not looking she get serious and looks like she's thinking. Then when she notices me looking he just smiles at me. Her smile is amazing, she can light up a room just by smiling. Right now, we are driving home.

"How long are you gonna be gone again?" Niall asked Jackie. "Niall, I think this is the 20th time you've asked me today. I told, I don't know yet." She said. He nodded. We stayed quiet most of the way, which is weird having 4 of the loudest lads I've met in the car. I looked at Jackie, she looked pale. "Are you alright Jackie?" I asked. "Yeah, just a little headache I'll be fine." She said unsure. "Ok.." I said rubbing her back.

I was worried for her. She didn't eat a lot today, or yesterday. Something going on. We pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. Jackie flopped down on the couch. I put my head on her forehead. "You're not hot." I said. "Are you sure about that lad?" Niall said elbowing me in the stomach. I blushed and Jackie got up. "I'm gonna finish packing." She said. "Do you need any help?" I asked. "No, but thanks though." She said walking upstairs.

*Later On*

Jackie finally came back downstairs. She looked scared worried. "Guys, have you seen some pills?" She asked looking around. "Why do you need pills?" Louis asked suspiciously. "I just do ok? Have you seen them?" She said. "I found some in your bathroom.. I'm not letting you do this to yourself." Louis said standing. "Louis, please. I need those." She begged. Jackie, she was gonna commit.. suicide?

I couldn't believe it. "Lou don't give them to her." I said. "Guys, please. I forgot to take my morning pills.. Please." She trying to catch her breathe. She started breathing heavily. I reached out for her. "Stop, she's trying to prank is again." Louis stopped me. She started shaking a hyperventilating. "Don't. Call. 911. I'm. Gonna. Be. Fine." She said between breaths. She fell to the floor and started shaking more. Her eyes rolled back. I couldn't believe what was happening.

Right in front of our eyes. Jackie was having a seizure. "GIVE HER THE FUCKING PILLS!" I screamed. Louis stood in shock motionless. "SOMEBODY CALL 911!" I yelled. "She said-." "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!" I yelled back. Niall ran to the kitchen and got the phone. Liam bent down to Jackie's side. She was still shaking. "What do we do?" Liam asked. I just shook my head, I couldn't speak. She couldn't die, no. Niall came back. "They're on their way." He said.

Louis still stood there. Zayn ripped the pills out of his hands causing them to spill everywhere. Louis still didn't move. I started crying with Jackie my arms. I think it was over, but she still shook. There was pounding on the door. Niall ran and answered it. They busted through the door and ripped Jackie out of my arms. We were all crying at this point, except for Louis of course, who still stood in shock.

Words cannot describe what I was feeling at this minute. Scared, sad, shocked, heartbroken? I don't know. The ambulance left, leaving us all behind. We ran to the car, I noticed Louis wasn't there. I ran back in the house and flung him over my shoulder. I ran as fast as I could with him. I hopped in the car and Zayn drove off. I felt my heart pounding faster and faster by the minute. All I wanted was Jackie to be in my arms.

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