Chapter 8: My Story

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This was truly very sweet of Harry. Even though it was simple I still loved it. We sat down on the picnic blanket and started talking about random things. He told me about how his life was before One Direction and his family. His sister seemed so sweet and nice. He told me that he used to be in a band called White Eskimo, with some old friends. Then he asked me the question I was trying to avoid. "What about you, huh? What's your life like?" He said eating a grape.

"Uh, Are you sure you want to know... I mean, my life isn't as interesting-." I said. "Yes." He cut me off. "Yes, I want to know." He said with a straight face. I nodded slowly and swallowed hard. "Well, let's start from the beginning.." I took a deep breath. "Ok, well I was never really the most liked person in my family.. No one was really interested in me. I was sorta an outcast.. Everywhere." I started off.

"I was in middle school when I met Liam. Yes, I knew him. We were best friends actually. Anyway Liam stayed for a while, then left." I Explained. "When he left, everyone else left me also.. back to the outcast. When I was 16 I was driving with my mom, dad, and brother during the winter. The car went out of control and killed my parents." Harry eyes were closed tight so I could tell he was listening carefully. "My brother and I didn't speak for each other until one month later.. When he found out I started cutting. He didn't like it. At All." "He started to abuse me and yell, and drink. He got all crazy. Uh, he missed mom and dad... That's why I think he did that stuff to me. He blamed it on me.. Everyone did."

"The rest of our family stopped speaking to both of us.. They all blamed it on me too." My voice cracked. "One night my brother got furious and started to beat me..." I began.


"Jason stop!" I yelled as he pushed me on the floor. "Stop What? HUH?! You'll never be able to feel the pain you caused for mom and dad." He yelled before kicking me in my stomach. "Jason!! I told you a million times.. I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" I cried out. "Oh well, You fucking cutter! You deserve it!" He yelled. He pulled me up by my hair and dragged me to the living room. "What are you gonna do to me?!?" I screamed when he through me on the couch.

"Something that'll teach you a lesson." He pulled something out of the seat cushion. A gun. I sat a up quickly and ran out the door. "GET YOUR ASS BACK IN HERE!" Jason yelled from the living room. I ran out the door way and down the driveway. I don't know where I was headed, but I needed to get as far away from Jason as possible.


I blinked several times and shook the memories out of my head. I realised that I was in Harry's arms balling. "Jackie, I didn't know about that. That's terrible." He said rubbing my back. I must have told him while I was having the flashback.

I stayed in his arms for a while and he played with my hair. It felt so nice to have someone care about me.. He reminded me of how Liam was. I shook the memories out of my head. I remembered about the text. "Harry?" I said sitting up. "Yes?" He said. "I have to show you that text message.. It's from Liam. Here." I pulled out my phone and handed it to him. I stared at his facial expressions while he read it.


Jackie sat up. I sighed, I liked having her in my arms. "I have to show you that text message.. It's from Liam. Here." She handed me her phone and I nodded. I read through it slowly. No, No. Why? Why does my best friend have to love her too? I felt my face go red.. He mentioned my name. It said I really liked the kiss. He ended with I loved you.. And I don't think I ever stopped. My heart broke. I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. What if she loves him back? And not me.

I closed my eyes tight and cleared my throat. "It's something, eh?" Jackie said taking the phone away. "Yep, sure is." I said slowly. She started talking quickly. "Do you think he actually likes me.. I mean he might be messing with me and-" "He likes you Jackie, he was trying to protect you from me. If he doesn't like you he must really care because he went all nuts." I interrupted her. "I'm just confused of my emotions for him, ya know?" She started off. I listened carefully.

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